Chapter 9

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I woke up to see a bouquet of flowers on my sides. I saw it has a note sticking on the side.

Dear Pez,
Good morning love. Hope you had an amazing sleep. Go to the kitchen after you read this note. I love you.

Zayn xx

I smiled and went to the kitchen. I got in and saw it was dark. I opened the switch and saw rose petals scattered on the floor and kitchen counter. I smiled and sat on the counter.

I saw Perrie sat on the counter and i hugged her from behind. She jumped but quickly recovered and chuckled.
"Good Morning babe" i said to her
"Good Morning" she answered
"Are you hungry?" I asked
"Very" she said and chuckled
"Good because I made food" I said while putting the plate with pancakes shaped in a heart in front of her. She giggled and started eating. I didn't eat because I already did. I just watched her eat so gracefully. I wonder how she do that? Whenever I eat I looked like a pig that didn't ate for days.

"What are you giggling at love?" Perrie asked snapping me out of my daydream.

"Nothing" i answered

"You sure?" She asked still not happy with my answer

"Yeah, Absolutely" I smiled at her

She just shrugged and started washing the dishes. While she was washing the dishes I snaked my arms around her waist and stayed at that position until she was done washing.

Perrie went inside the bathroom and followed her. She didn't notice at first but did when I accidentally stepped on a rubber ducky on the floor. I had no idea how it got there. But she noticed and screamed.


"Oh come on pez its not like I haven't seen it multiple times before" i said smirking

"Oh shut up you. Now get out" she said

"Why cant I join you shower? Its not like something is gonna happen" I asked winking at the end

"Funny but maybe next time and not in the shower" she said and winked at the end. " NOW OUT!"

"Okay i'll look forward to that"

| At the airport |

As we were inside the plane everybody sat in the 4 chair row. (Idk if that even exist but just imagine)
I was in the end and next to me is of course Perrie next to her is Jade and next to Jade is Harry.

We are now boarding and i feel my eyes getting heavier

Perrie's POV
I was sat next to Jade so i decided to ask her about the party.

"So jade, My family is going to throw a Halloween party this Halloween and I have to bring a partner and friend so would you like to come?" I asked Jade

"Oh sure. But does leigh and jesy know about this?" She asked

"I already asked Jesy and she is going to a Halloween party too and she ia bringing Leigh"

"Oh. Well, do i have to bring a partner too?"


" But who will I bring?"

"Bring Harry you two seemed close"

"What? Me and Harry? Close? No way"

"Oh really then explain those pink pigment on your cheeks and when you were making out on the back of the car after we went clubbing?"

"We were just drunk that time plus I know Harry will never like me"

"Well don't loose hope Jade I reay feel that Harry likes you but there is no harm in asking Harry about being your date i mean partner for the party"

"Okay I will try"

"Jade please don't be mad or anything but um err um Zayn is aking me to be his girlfriend"


"I know but he said he still love me"

"And what about you?"

"I still do Jade. I always had"

"Well. Im happy whatever your answer to him will be pez. But if he hurts you AGAIN I will be the one to kick him in the balls"

I laughed "Of course whatever you like Jade,but im gonna sleep now I'm tired already. Goodnight/morning Jade."

"Goodnight/morning Pez"

And with that I feel my eyes getting heavy.

Hello again everyone thank you for reading Chapter 9 of UNEXPECTED I hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. So sorry for this short chapter I am just feeling so frickin lazy so yeah. Feel free to correct me if  had any grammatical mistakes. Thank you for reading this chapter once again and i will see you tomorrow. I love you all and stay safe.

 UNEXPECTED *Zerrie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now