Chapter 22

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Its been a week and Jesy is having her bridal shower today. I am getting ready because it will start in an hour. I quickly took a bath and put on my clothes,applied light make up and fixed my hair.


Not long after I got ready I heard a knock on the door

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Not long after I got ready I heard a knock on the door. It must be Zayn 'cause he will be picking me up. I grabbed my present for Jesy and opened the door to let Zayn in.

"Hey babe" He greeted me and I replied the same

"You look amazing" He said and crashed his lips on mine. I kissed back and he slid down to my neck and started nibbling on my sweet spot.

"Zayn Babe" I said and he hummed in respose still sucking my neck.

"We better go dont want Ms. Pregnant to be angry and she might deliver his baby sooner" I said and he groaned. We went inside the car and drove to the reception. We got in and immediately got greeted by Jesy. We chatted for a while until Zayn excused himself to go to the bathroom. During our talk my eyes were covered with hands and I turned around to see Lauren Ally and Camila! 

"Lauren!Ally!Camz!" I exclaimed and hugged them so tight.

"We know you miss us pez we can tell by your hug" Ally said

"Oh my gosh what are you guys doing here?" I asked releasing them from the hug

"Well Jesy invited us here so that's why and congrats by the way jes" Camila said.

We chatted for about an  hour and I checked my clock to notice Zayn was gone for an hour and a half. I looked for him and all around the venue to hear a voice in the boys' comfort room. I pressed my ear to the door to hear moans from a familiar girl and wait, ZAYN! I rushed inside to see Zayn making out with a girl. Gigi.  I let out an 'unbelievable' laugh and went outside the room. I don't know what causes me to not cry but whatever it is I am so thankful for it. I jogged my way to the bar until someone caught my wrist making me stop and look back.

"Perrie I am so sorry it's not what it looks like. I swear" Zayn pleaded

"Excuse me but who are you? Last time I check I was single now fuck off from my life and get lost in Satan's kingdom" I said and walked further to be held again

"What now? You want directions to get there? Well simple fuck your slutand hang yourself afterwards. Got it? Or you want me to do it?" I said keeping my chill

"Perrie I know you are hurt but please let me explain" Zayn pleaded again

"Hurt? Wow Zayn big word. I am very far from that emotion and even shedding a single tear. You ask why? Maybe because I expected it during this whole relationship. I expected that you will always cheat on me no matter what I do. I expected that you will never fulfill your promise this time because you never have. And I cant let myself fall for your sugarcoated words because I already did too many times in this relationship. Now let me go and let me be happy " I said and rushed out the venue not shedding a single tear. I went to my house and slept and not long after I closed my eyes everything went black.


We saw Perrie ran out and we kept on calling her but she wont answer nor look back. We followed her to her house and unfortunately her door was locked. After a few minutes we finally got it open (and broken). By we i mean Me,Jade,Leigh,Ally,Lauren,and Camila. 

"PEZ?" We called for her but no answer. We searched for her in the whole house and got in to her bedroom. There we saw Perrie sleeping but how did she not hear us? Perrie is a light sleeper and even the lightest thing can wake her up. (A/N: Just pretend though)

"Guys is it just me or Perrie is cold as a ghost?" Ally asked holding Perrie's hand. I hold it and gasped. I checked her pulse to find. NONE.

"GIRLS QUICK RING AN AMBULANCE!!  I said to them and Jade nodded.

After a few minutes the ambulance came and we followed it to the hospital. Perrie was rushed in the emergency room and we stayed in the waiting area. I ringed Zayn and after a 5 rings he picked up.

"ZAYN MALIK wherever you are come to the hospital Perrie was rushed in here" I said to him

" Me and Perrie broke up" He said sadly. I wanna burn him right now but I am not in the mood to. I want to make sure my best friend is fine.

"I really wanna kill you Zayn but you have to come here. Perrie needs you. You know she still loves you. Now come here or you will never see your balls again" I threatened and ended the call. After a few minutes Zayn came and so did the doctor.

"I am very sorry to say that-



hey everyone so I updated and also left a cliffhanger, Sorry not sorry JK anyways hope you enjoy this chapter and feel free to correct my grammar mistakes. Thank you for reading this chapter and stay safe. BYE!!!

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