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Zayn's POV
Mine ang Gigi's relationship had been going good until i saw her kissing another boy in the day of our anniversary she begged me to stay with her so i did for the sake of our image but in reality i dont love her anymore.Gigi has been acting like nothing happened but i cant even be on the same bed with her so i sleep on the couch. I woke up with a text from Alexander (my manager).

Alexander: zayn go to the syco office 3rd floor room 78 ASAP

Zayn: Why?

Alexander: just go there already it will help your career because you know your career is getting worse everyday

Zayn: Fine

As i was Walking towards the bathroom i was stopped by Gigi "where are you going this early? Are you going to hang out with a slut?" She asked "im going out without a slut because im way too sick of sluts there's one even in my house"i fired "are you calling me a slut?" She asked slightly offended "why? aren't you considered one cause you kissed a boy while your still on a relationship?" I fired "i thought we moved on from that?" She asked getting teary "thats what i thought but turns out i haven't because of your attitude, always accusing me of your doing, i dont even know what im still doing in this relationship" I said truthfully "you dont love me anymore zayn" gigi asked "i dont know gigi"i said "Dont you love me anymore zayn?"she asked exclaiming "I DONT KNOW ANYMORE GIGI JUST LEAVE ME ALONE JUST LEAVE" I shouted. She looked at me with pleading eyes "LEAVE!" I shouted at her. She looked at me then ran off the house with tears streaming down her cheek. I sighed.

I check my clock and saw it was already 10:00 so i decided to take a little bath and went to syco. As i went to the room I was told to i saw 7 faces i never thought i'd see again.as i went inside everybody was quite until alexander said "Zayn good thing you made it sit,sit" he said ponting towards the end of the table across him. I realize that they were only 3/4 of little mix 'i wonder where perrie is' i thought. There was awkward silence until leigh anne decided to say "so, are we gonna talk or just have a staring competition?" Tulisa was about to answer when Jade's phone begun to make a ding noise. "Sorry about that" jade apologized. "Its ok" everyone mumble.After a while jade said "Perrie said she's on her way" After a good 10 minutes Perrie arrived on the room with a shock face.

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