Chapter 19

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Perrie's POV
It's been days, two days to be exact and Me and Myl are going shopping. Right now we are in a dressing room because apparently the day after tomorrow, Jonnie can go home and being the party animal he is, decided to throw a party.

"So pez what do you think should I wear for The party?" Myl asked pointing to a  knee high, black ang gold lace dress and a maroon off shoulder stopping at the upper part of her knee.

"I think the lacy dress looks super hot on you" I answered truthfully to her.

"Now Myl, which one?" I asked Myl pointing to a  fit black three-fourth turtle neck dress that stopped above my knees and a denim off shoulder dress that stopped on my knees.

"I prefer the denim one on you" Myl said and I nodded and we payed for our clothes. 

After paying we went to a restaurant and got a call from Jesy. To be completely honest I was shocked and scared at the same time because Jesy never calls aside if its an emergency. I excused myself from Myl and went to the ladies room.

"Jess are you okay? Is something wrong?" I asked Jesy my voice laced with concern and i heard sobs and Sniffling on the other line.

"jess come on is something wrong?" I asked her again more calmly. I heard her sigh and sniffle again.

"Pez, I erm I- I -I'm pregnant" She said her voice cracking in the end and I heard sobs on the other line.

"What? Who is the father?Is it Liam?" I asked her. I dont know what I am feeling actually, Happy, concerned,shocked everything

"He don't know yet. He is in a meeting with the other boys and Me and Leigh went to the doctor because I am having frequent morning sickness and we knew that I am 3 months pregnant. Pez I dont know what to do" Jesy cried on the other line.

"Jess relax everything will be fine okay? Shhh now calm down by the way where are you?" I ask her.

" I am at mine and Liam's flat" she answered and I told her I would go and we exchanged our goodbyes. I went to Mine and Myl's table and noticed her talking to another girl I dont recognize. I walked over them and Myl introduced me to her.

"oh hey pez this is Roxie my best friend. Roxie this is Perrie -" she started

"her future sister sister in law. Hi Roxie" I said to her and smiled and noticed Myl red as a tomato and I pat her shoulder.

"well i gotta go Myl so sorry I could not finish the day with you" I said and hugged her

"its okay maybe next time" she answered and all of us exchanged goodbyes. I called for a cab and gave him the address to Liam and Jesy's house. You might be wondering so might as well explain.  A month ago Jesy moved in Liam so they live together now. The cab stopped and I payed and got out. I rang on their doorbell to be answered by a sad Jesy. Her eyes were bloodshot as if she was crying for hours. I hugged her tight and she cried on my shoulder. After a few minutes she calmed down and led me to their living room.

"Pez I dont know what I would do.What if the management force me to abort this baby or kick me out of the group? I dont want that to happen Pez. Ugh I should have known better. We should have use protection" Jesy said scared and frustrated

"Jes look nothing will happen to you nor the baby as long as me and the girls are here. If they kick you out of the band then we will leave it. Plus, Jes its not your fault, that baby is a blessing to you and us too. God I cannot wait to be a godmother!."  I said to her and we both giggled

" But seriouly Jes, Nothing will happen to the baby" I smiled at her and she did the same.

"Whose baby?" We heard a familiar voice ask. Fuck its Liam!. Our eyes widened in horror and there we saw a confused Liam. He looked at us for an explanation. I glanced at Jesy asking her to say it. She shook her head indicating a no. I looked at her dead in the eyes.

"So are you gonna tell us or is the both of you having a staring competition?" we heard Louis ask. We turned to them and saw all of them like literally all of them, Liam,Louis,Zayn,Niall,Harry and the girls. Jade was confused but Leigh knew it and we both have the same expression. I sighed.

"Jes, now is the time to tell them" I said to her and she looked at me begging to save her from the situation. " I am not in the position to tell them Jes, Go" I told her and moved my way next to Zayn on the couch. He slid his arms around my waist and pecked my lips.

Jesy sighed. She grabbed Liam's hand and put it on top of her stomach. "Liam babe, I- Im pregnant" she said and few tears escaped her eyes. I was trying to read Liam's expression but I cant.

" For how long?" Liam asked.

"I just knew this morning. 3, 3 months" Jesy asked and Liam hugged her ever so tightly catching her off guard

" I AM GOING TO BE A FATHER WITH A BEAUTIFUL WIFE" Liam exclaimed still hugging Jesy. Spank me crossed eyes did he just said WIFE?

" Yes he did Pez" I heard Zayn said and chuckled. Did I say that out loud? And before we even knew it Liam kneeled down.

"Jess I dont have a ring at the moment but I dont give a fuck because I am going to be a father. Jessica Louise Nelson will you marry me? I know it was a short time for us to be together but Time does not matter right?" he asks and Jesy is crying cats and dogs.

"Yes Li. Of course!" Jesy said and Liam kissed hid hand then her belly then her lips. They pulled away a few minutes later and we all cheered. Well that was UNEXPECTED.


Hey guys so so terribly sorry for not updating for like a week but trust me I have an explanation. So first our or my exams are extended until next week because I am a campus journalist and we have to practice everyday of the week for the DSPC or Division School Press Conference where schools compete against each other in different categories. My category was Editorial Writing.Also the competition is a two day event that was during this Thursday and Friday. Friday was the recognition of winners and fortunately I was in Third Place among 10 schools. Also our school won two golds in Copy Reading and News Writing and other minor awards causing is to compete in the regional and now my schedule is pretty hectic because I will be also competing in the Regional of Science Quiz anytime this month and practice starts on Monday so i might not update this more often especially our school changed the WIFI password and we dont have a single idea of what it is. Anyways enjoy this chapter and Sorry for grammatical mistakes and please feel free to correct me. Hope you enjoyed this chapter and until next time.  Thank you for redaing this chapter and Stay Safe. Bye.

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