Chapter 17

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Jade's POV
After Perrie convinced us to go home we finally gave up. As I got in the door I quickly texted Perrie if she is okay. She responded that she is and I should get some rest. I looked at the clock and saw it was 10 pm already. I quickly changed into pyjamas and drifted into a heavy sleep.

I woke up and smell food. Wait, I didn't invite anyone here last night. Am I kidnapped? Am I in heaven? Heaven of Food?. I opened my eyes and saw I was still in my room. Sigh, good thing I still am but I would really want to go to Heaven of Food. Guess that Will have to wait. Before I could stand up someone open the door making me scream.

"Woah, Babe calm down it's just me" Harry said

"Styles! How did you get in here? And why are you here? " I asked him

"Can't I visit my girlfriend and cook some breakfast for her?" He asked giving me the puppy eyes.

"Not like that but it's just very unusual" I said

"Well you better get used to it babe. Here I made you some food, now will you forgive your love?" He asked me with puppy eyes. I just laughed as he placed the tray of food in front of me

"I forgive you babe don't worry" I said and kissed his cheek but he turned his head so I kissed his lip instead. I was about to break it when he placed his hands in the back of my neck making it hard for me to pull back. In the end he won and we kissed for a few minutes before I pull back to get some air.

"Let's eat? The food is getting cold" I said

" What if I want to eat something else babe" Harry said smirking

" What do you want to eat?" I said not getting the point

"Something that is not food"He said his smirk going wider. I finally got what he means.

" We will eat it for dessert babe" I said and winked at him and we ate together.

Leigh-Anne's POV
I woke up and saw I got a text from Louis.

Good Morning babe. Come to my place as soon as you read this. I have a surprise for you xx.

I smiled and shot him a quick reply. I wonder what Louis's surprise is? Well I guess I am gonna find out sooner or later. I took a quick shower and changed into denim shorts and a floral off shoulder.

I got in Harry and Louis's house. Yes they live together in this story.

"Louis? Babe where are you?" I called him as I got inside their house.

"In the backyard babe" He yelled. I went to the backyard and saw a cloth spread in the grass and a basket.

"Babe?" I called Louis. And just then Louis came out behind a tree holding something in his back

"What are you holding babe?" I asked him curiosly. And with that he smiled and put a basket Down

"A basket?" I asked

"Look inside the basket babe." He said and came to my side and put his left arm in my waist. I opened the basket to see a cute little golden retriever with a blue bow.

"Oh My God Lou its adorable" I squealed while picking it up

"Just like you" He mumbled loud enough for me to hear. I couldn't care less he is so adorable.

"What's the gender and what is her name?" I asked Louis

"He is a boy and I don't know yet. I was hoping you would help me" He said

"I like the name Elijah for him" I said kissing the puppy's ears

"Me too. Hey why don't we eat I'm starving" Louis said

"Oh right" I said and we walked over to the picnic basket and sat down.
We ate sandwiches and chatted about the most random things.

"Hey Leigh, you got something on your cheeks" he said

"Really?" I asked and wiped my cheek area.

" Let me do it" and before I could protest Louis smashed his lips on mine. We kissed for a few minutes and I broke off the kiss

"I love you leigh. You are the best girlfriend I could ever ask for" Louis said

"I love you too Lou" I said and we both kissed again

Jesy's POV
"Babe I am just gonna go to the comfort room okay?" Liam excused himself

"Sure babe" I smiled at him.

Currently we are watching a movie that I don't even know what it's called before Liam excused himself to go to the bathroom. After a while Liam still didn't got back yet and his phone went off so I opened the message because of course I am the girlfriend.

Sophia/ EX:
Hey babe I had fun last night we should definitely do it again. And ditch that little slut or shall I say your beloved girlfriend and go back to me because honestly we both know I am better in bed then her. Bye xx

After reading the message I felt my blood boil. That was why Liam didn't want me to come over last night because he had his little bitch here. How could he do this to me? I thought he was different but I guess I was wrong.

"Babe are you ok?" Liam asked concerned

"DONT YOU DARE BABE-BABE ME. HOW DARE YOU LIAM" I exclaimed and slapped him in the face

"Babe what do you-" he said confused

"What do I mean? Don't make me an idiot Liam I know what you were doing the whole time! You didn't want me to come over last night because you said you were busy, busy of what fucking your ex? How dare you Liam you are such a dick" I said and slapped him again but he got a caught of my wrist.

"Babe what are you talking about?" He asked really confused. I showed him the text and his eyes widened

"Babe I swear she is lying! Even if you ask Niall I was here the whole time last night. He is ruining our relationship don't you see that?" He said

"And why should I trust you?" I asked him and crossed my arms infront of my chest

"Because I love you" he said and craahed his lips on mine. I kissed back and he swiped his tounge on my bottom lip asking for entrance. I granted it and he went inside. The kiss got deeper and deeper.

"Lets take this to the bedroom shall we?" Liam mumbled throughout the kiss. I simply nooded and I jumped letting him carry me to the bedroom and you know what will happen next😉

So hey guys. This chapter as promised is a lot more longer and this may not have Zerrie on it but next chapter will have loads of Zerrie on it. Anyways hope you like this chapter and take note Sophia's attitude isn't exactly like that in real life I just used her in this chapter because I really need a baddie in this chapter so to all the people who like her and kinda got offended I am so sorry that was not my purpose. Also feel free to correct me if I had any grammatical mistakes. I love you guys so much and thank you for reading this chapter. Bye and take care.

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