Chapter 6

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Perrie's POV
"Pezza wake up were here" i heard leigh whisper
"Pezzapie we have food" Jade whispered again. I chose to ignore what they were saying because I was si comfortable in my position
"PERRIE LOUISE FUCKING EDWARDS WAKE UP!!" I heard Jesy yelled. I immediately stood up and rubbed my eyes " im awake now. Im awake. Geez Jessica no need to shout" i said to Jesy while taking my bag " well you didn't answer after multiple calls so yeah you deserve it" i just sighed and went out the plane with them. As we were getting out the airport we noticed a few fans so we took pictures and sign a few autographs. After a small chat with the fans we went to the van to be greeted by sleeping boys. We all chuckled and i went inside. I sat in the back near the window. After a few seconds i looked at the girls and saw they were all asleep so i just decided to sleep too. After a few minutes i felt a light shake on my shoulder so i opened my eyes to see that Harry was the one shaking me and he told me to wake the girls up because were here. I nooded and woke the girls. As we got inside the hotel the receptionist handed liam a piece of paper. Liam read it which said

Dear girls boys,
Simon and I decided to put you in 3 rooms. 1 room,3 person's.
Liam,Jesy and Niall will be in room 167
Zayn, Perrie and Jade wil be in room 168
Leigh Anne, Harry and Louis will be in room 169
Your rooms is in the third floor.
We decided to not put you in individual rooms because it is hard to wake up some of you especially perrie so in this way it will be easier for you to wake up.
Your tour will start tomorrow night si be ready. I wish you the best of luck girls and boys.


After Liam read the note we all went to our room. As Me, Zayn and Jade got in the room we were shocked to what we saw. This was not what we were expecting.

~Perrie,Zayn and Jade's room~
( I am so sorry but im not good at describing things)

~Perrie,Zayn and Jade's room~( I am so sorry but im not good at describing things)

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I decided to take the bed next to the window which has a good view of the city. I sighed and plopped down the bed. I was about to sleep when jade shouted in my ear "DONT YOU DARE GO TO SLEEP EDWARDS WERE GOING TO GO CLUBBING WITH THE GIRLS" "Ugghh do i have to come? What time is it?" I asked jade " welll missy yes you have to come because we havent gone clubbing for a while now and its 6:00 already" said jade " what do you mean we haven't gone clubbing for a while, jade we went clubbing last week and wait its 6 already?!" I said "yep and were going by 9:00" answered jade "but can i just sleeo for atleast an hour or two? Im si tired" i complained "NO you cant now im going to Leigh's room byee " said Jade "ooooh who are you there for?" I asked while wiggling my eyebrows "shut up" jade defended "are you there for leigh or harry styles" i said grinning "im there for leigh and only her" jade defended while blushing "are you sure? Because last time i saw you and Harry cuddling on the couch"i said teasing jade "ugh i dont care Perrie im going to leigh's room and were going clubbing including YOU period" Jade said annoyed while exiting the room. I chuckled and took out my phone going through twitter and Instagram.

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