Chapter 1

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I looked around the room shocked by the people in front of me. My thoughts were cut off by Tulisa "Perrie darling, is good that your here now we can start. Oh and please take a seat" she said. I was seated next to Tulisa on the left and Jade next to me. "So as you all know Little Mix is going on tour for glory days Platinum and so far so good but"she starts being continued by a person i dont even know "unfortunately one direction's solo careers are not going well as planned so Tulisa and I decided that little mix and harry,zayn,niall,louis and liam should go on tour together so it will be like little mix and one direction concert but 1D as soloist. And by the way girls im alexaneder the boys manager". Hearing those words made my blood boil me? Im going on tour with my ex fiancee after what he did to me? Is this a joke? "Tulisa please tell me this is a joke" i said trying not the sound annoyed "No perrie i am certainly not. You are going on tour with one direction or shall i say zayn,harry,niall,liam and louis" she said as if im not going on tour with my ex-fiancee "WHAT?OUT OF ALL THE ARTISTS TULISA THEM? IS THIS A JOKE? PSHH NOT JUST A JOKE THIS IS A NIGHTMARE AND ITS NOT OUR FAULT THAT THEIR FRICKIN SOLO CAREERS ARE NOT GOING WELL!!" I yelled angrily "Perrie calm down" Perrie please control your voice " Perrie please sit down lets talk about this calmly" comforted the girls "we already talked about "we already talked about this and ALL of you are going on tour weather you like it or not. You are now dismissed." She said casually. After that I stormed out the room and ran to the car leaving the girls behind.
Why was i so angry with touring with the boys? With zayn? Didnt i moved on already? Pshh of course i have. Im happy with Alex. Well not anymore. But to be honest zayn was really handsome. Wait! Did i just said that?! No stop it perrie you moved on, he moved on so just forget it. What if-
My thoughts were cut off by my phone ringing.

P: anything you need?
???: Geez bad mood much?
P: tell me who you are and i wont be
???: Don't tell me you forgot your best friend already
P:tell me already or else
???: You seriously don't remember me?
P: if i had will i ask your name?
???: True dat. Well i was just the one and only LOUIS TOMLINSON!!!
P:Oh yey what do you want
L:oh nothing just asking if you were okay touring with us
P: of course louis id love too go on tour with you and the rest of the lads except for him
L: true we were shocked when he came in the room.
P: glad i wasn't the only one. Well i gotta go louis. See you
L: bye pez
*End of phone call*

*Sigh*. I guess there's no going back. I dont want to go back to the house after my fight with alex it will just fuel up his jealousy. I wanna hang out with the girls and say sorry for my sudden behavior. I'll text Leigh Anne.

pez: hi lee
pez: hahaha very funny leigh of course im still alive for now. By the way lee can i come to your house i dont really wanna go home after my fight with Alex
Lee lee: of course pez you dont have to ask you can come over to my house anytime. And also the girls are here. Were having a sleepover.
Pez: your having a sleepover without me? :(
Lee lee: we were about to call you but you texted first

ez: can i come? Pleaseee lee
Lee-lee: of course pez meet us at the grocery store near my house.
*End of phone call*
~Skip Car Ride~

As i got inside the store leigh told me too i bumped into somebody

*Italics for stranger ;) and Bold for perrie

Oh my god i am so sorry
No its ok its my fault too

I was shocked when i saw who the person I bumped was

Out of all the people in the world i bumped into a dickhead oops sorry not sorry *rolls eyes*
Perrie why are you so angry with me? I didn't do anything wrong so please enlighten me
You didnt do anything wrong? Seriously Zayn?! You broke our fucking engagement with a fucking text message saying that you fell out of fucking love? Are you happy now Zayn? Are you happy that im getting hate from your stupid fandom? Are you happy that your in a 'perfect' relationship and im here with my relationship breaking into pieces? Are you happy now that you get to ruin my life more because of that shitty tour? Are you happy now asshole? I said with tears running down my cheeks

And he did what i didnt expect him to do. He crashed his lips on mine snaking his hands on my waist. I didn't know what happened to me but i kissed back a few seconds later forgetting my relationship with alex and his with gigi. After a few minutes realisation hit me and i quickly pulled away saying my last words to him. "Goodbye Zayn" "but perrie wait" he said catching up "perrie" he said grabbing my wrist puling me close to him " perrie why are you running away from me?" He asked " its wrong zayn i have alex you have gigi. I think we should just forget that this happened " and with that i walk away from him. After a long walk away from him i dialed Leigh's number.

Leigh; Perrie

Leigh where are you?
Shouldn't i be the one asking that question missy?
Leigh look im really sorry something just came up
Perrie just meet us at my house okay? We are waiting for you already
Ok leigh see you later bye labyah
See you later pez labyah too

Autors note:
Si this is the first official chapter of UNEXPECTED. I hope you enjoy this chapter and um sorry for grammatical mistakes because my first language isnt english but i can speak English so dont be afraid to correct me. Love ya all.

Word check: 1088

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