Chapter 15

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Perrie's POV
"I saw that all of you had been waiting here for how many hours now for Mr. Jonnie Edwards. Well we have to run a few tests to make sure everything is going okay but for the mean time you can now visit Ms. Caitlin Edwards. She is in room 597." The doctor said

"What do you mean run a few tests to make sure everything is alright? I thought Jonnie was - was dead." Dad said his voice cracking in the end

"I can't tell you right now. Now if you will excuse me" He said and walked away. We went to Caitlin's room to find her there lying in the hospital bed, sleeping. After a few minutes a doctor came inside.

"Family of Ms. Caitlin Edwards?" She said. And we all nooded.

"Hi I am Doctor Byron, Caitlin's doctor" He said and we all said hi or hey.

"So, Caitlin is under a comatose right now due to the accident. Also because of the accident her left arm is broken but she is alright now and her brain was touched that can cause her to have memory loss. Right now we can't tell if she had memory loss Because she is still unconscious" The doctor said

"When will she wake up doc?" Mum asked

"We don't know the exact date but maybe sometime in next week" Said the doctor and said goodbye to us.  Even though Caitlin is in a coma it is safe to say that she is alive. Unlike Jonnie, who left us already. I took a seat near Caitlin and started stroking circles in her hand.

Little Perrie, Jonnie and Caitlin with their mum and dad was in the lake having a small picnic. They were wearing small bathing suits because they are going swimming afterwards.

"Jonnie you little give me that cake" whined little Perrie

"No way not until you tell me that you like Aunt Trisha's son." Said a smirking little Jonnie. Perrie was just 8 at that time, Jonnie was 10 and Caitlin was 6.

"There is no way I am saying that." Said an annoyed little Perrie

"Well it's your choice little sis" Jonnie said while acting that he is eating the cake

"No Jonnie not the last piece of cake!" Exclaimed Perrie but Jonnie didn't listen.

"Okay okay. Sigh, I like Aunt Trisha's son" Perrie said in a low voice

"What I didn't hear it?" Jonnie said teasing his little sister

"You heard me Jonnie"

"Well Okay then" Jonnie said while acting to take another bite of the cake

"I LIKE AUNT TRISHA'S SON!" exclaimed Perrie

"You what?" Perrie's Mum asked smirking

"She said she like aunt Trisha's son. Zayn" Jonnie answered for Perrie whilst Perrie was busy eating the cake

"No I dont it was just a dumb joke" Perrie said and glared at her brother

"OMG really pez? That will be great. I get to play with Zayn's sisters whenever I want" Squealed Caitlin

Perrie's family kept on teasing her until their dad called them to eat. Zayn and Perrie were childhood friends until Zayn and his family moved to Bradford for their father's job. Zayn and Perrie met again in the X-Factor and got close again. Until they became a couple, got engaged, broke up and met again to where they are now.

So guys this will be just a filler chapter and for you to know what happened to Caitlin. Tomorrow I promise to make a better chapter Tomo. Again so sorry for the grammatical mistakes if I had some and please feel free to correct me. I love you guys so much and thank you for reading this chapter

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