Chapter 18

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Perrie's POV
It has been a week Jonnie is in the hospital and until now he still didn't woke up. Currently, we are in Newcastle and we will be performing in a few minutes.

"Okay all of you will be on 5,4,3,2,1, and go!" One of the crew told us and we appeared on stage. As we appeared on stage the crowd went wild and we started our opening song. "Rock My DNA".

" Does he tell you he love when you least expect it?
Does he flutter your heart when he kissed you neck?
No Scientist... or Biology
It's Obvious... when he's holding me
It's only natural, that's i'm so affected "
I started and the others followed.

~skip to the end~

Representing all the women.
Salute, salute!"

We all sang the last line of 'Salute'.

"Thank you so much Newcastle for having us here tonight. We love you all!" Jade shouted on the mic and we waved goodbye. As we got in the backstage we hugged each other.

"Another Job well done. Go Little Direction!" We all screamed on top of our lungs.

After we all recovered from the group hug Me and Zayn hugged. Yes, Me and Zayn already told the fans about our relationship and most of them are happy about it and the rest of course hated me about it but what can they do? It's my life anyways not theirs so why do they care so much?
I got cut off by my thoughts when I felt lips on mine. I kissed back because I know it's Zayn.

"Babe you okay? You seemed to be-" He said and I cut him off

"Im fine babe I was just thinking" I reassured him

"Well if your tired Tulisa told us to tell you guys that we will have a three days free so we can do anything" Zayn said and I was happy to hear it I am absolutely tired. I just smiled back at him and we kissed again this time with more passion. We got cut off by my phone ringing and we pulled away. Stupid phone why does it have to ruin the moment and I saw Zayn chuckling. Oops did I say that out loud? I looked at the I.D and saw it was mum.

"Mum! I missed you. How is Jonnie?" I asked her excitedly

"Better Than ever. Honey Jonnie woke up minutes ago" Mum said.

"Mum I'm going tomorrow okay? We have a three day Break so yeah" I said to my mum

"Good to know honey well I gotta go. Just text me when you will get here so I can pick you up. Bye love" Mum said

"Bye Mum" I said and cut the phone call.

I quickly told Zayn and he said he will go with me. We bought tickets for tomorrow and headed to the hotel.

I woke up by Zayn tickling me.

"Zaaaaayn stop!" i said in between laughs

"Not until you get up!" He said and kept tickling me

"Okay okay I will" I said giving up and he moved on top of me and started kissing me. I kissed back and he moved his way down to my neck. I moaned and remembered that we will have to go back to South Shields today.

"Zayn, we have to go back to South Shields and we have to pack" I said to Zayn pushing him off me but he was stronger than me.

"Don't worry babe I already did our packing and the flight is in two hours" He mumbled kissing my neck. He sucked on my sweet spot leaving a hickey there and I moaned loudly.
We made out for about half an hour until I convinced Zayn to finish it in the bathroom.

We got to the airport and texted mum we were here. She said she is coming and we waited for a few minutes until we saw Mum in The car waving at us.
We went towards mum and hugged her after hugging mum looked at my neck and gasped.

"Perrie! My god! Did you use protection?" Mum asked while grinning causing me and Zayn go red. Shit I should have wore a turtle neck.

"Nothing happened " I said to her and we entered the car. Mum just laughed and drove to the hospital.

We got in the hospital and I saw Jonnie there reading a book with a girl beside him.

"Jonnie!" I screamed and put him in a bone crushing hug.

"Sis-cant-breathe" He said and I pulled away and laughed.

"Thank God you're okay Jon. We thought we lost you" I said and hugged him again and noticed the girl again.

"May I know who this is?" I asked pointing to the girl and Zayn came in the room.

"Zayn bro." He said to Zayn and Zayn just nooded and smiled. " Perrie why don't you and my girlfriend talk for awhile I need to talk to Zayn privately too" I nooded and signed the girl for us to talk outside.

"Hey there my name's Perrie, Jonnie's sister and you are?" I asked the girl with ombre hair and tan skin.

"Hi Perrie Im a big fan of your band and I am Myl Venice Madison. Nice to meet you and I am Jonnie's girlfriend" she said. She is very nice I can tell.

"Aww thank you. So, how long have you and Jonnie been together?" I asked her

"We've been together for almost 3 months now and we met in the hospital" she said while smiling

"And how come I didn't Know?" I asked acting hurt

"We didn't tell you because we wanted to surprise you on the Halloween party but this happened" She answered guilty

"Aww it's okay I was just joking" I answered and we both laughed

"Hey, wanna go shopping tomorrow?" I invited her and she agreed. I am liking this girl already. I kinda like her more compared to Abigail.

Zayn's POV
Jonnie ask me to to talk privately and to be completely honest im terrified.

"Hey Jon what do you wanna talk about?" I asked Jonnie

"I just wanna say that at first I was doubting you to enter our family after you left Perrie over a text message but after knowing that you stayed for Perrie and comforted her while I was here made me change my mind. So sorry for doubting on you Zayn and welcome to the family again." Jonni said and hugged me

"It's okay Jon, if I was in the same position as you I will probably do the same too. But Jon I am planning to propose to Perrie sooner or later so I can fulfill my broken promises to her. Will you let me?" I ask him. Its true I was planning to propose to Perrie but I don't exactly know when though.

"Of course as long as you don't break her again than yes, of course." He said and we hugged again.

Hey guys so this book will come to an end soon. Again so sorry for grammatical mistakes because English isn't exactly my first language. Also I may not update as more often anymore because my exams are getting hectic and I have to study for a Science contest with other districts so yeah I am getting pretty hectic lately but I will still try to update this one compared to my other story "PLAY FOR THE GLORY". Anyways thanks for reading this chapter once again and I love you lots. See you next time and Stay Safe

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