Chapter 14

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Perrie's POV
We followed the doctor inside a room. The room was very dull. I looked around the room until a thing caught my attention or shall I say him. I saw Jonnie lying there. He look like he's almost dead. I was cut off by my thoughts when the doctor said something.

"I am sorry for your lost. We tried everything but he's body couldn't take it anymore. If you would like to see the girl she is just next door" The doctor said and went outside the room. What does he mean by our lost? Who or What have we lost? I looked around and saw Mum and Dad surrounding Jonnie crying their hearts out. I looked towards Zayn and saw he was looking at me too. He has fresh new tears in his eyes. I looked back at Jonnie and did what happened in my dreams. I went close to Jonnie and raised my shaky index and middle finger in his neck area scared that they will no more pulse. I pressed it down and my heart dropped to my stomach of what I felt. No more pulse. I broke down.

"No,no,no. No Jonnie. You promised me that you won't leave me alone. You promised me you will be there for my wedding. You promised me you will be the uncle of my child. You promised me -

Flashback: Before the party
I went downstairs to see Jonnie and Caitlin talking to mum.

"Hey Mum Cait amd Jon what are you talking about?" I asked as I took an apple from the counter

"Oh nothing much. Just telling them to buy a few things for the party." Mum answered and handed Caitlin a list.

"Can I come?" I asked them

"No, Sorry pez. You have to get ready and prepare the party " Jonnie said

"Oh ok. But promise me you will be home before the parth alright?" I said while hugging Caitlin

"Of course pez. I promise I will be home" He answered whilst I hugged him.


"You promised me you will be home Jon" I cried hysterically and little did I know it would be our last conversation and his last words to me. I cried so much that I am sure the blanket over him is already wet but I don't care. My brother is dead. All our dreams and promises is all going down. I lost my brother. I lost my rock. I lost my best friend. I kept crying and crying until I heard a beeping noise. I just kept on crying and crying until someone dragged me outside. I looked up and saw it was a nurse dragging me away from my brother. I kicked him but there was no use. He is way too strong. I got out of the room to see Zayn, The girls, the boys, My family amd Tulisa. Zayn hugged me and I cant help but cry in his chest. He kept on hugging me and draw circles on my back to calm me down but it's not working. After a while I calmed down and the girls and boys hugged me so did Tulisa.  After the hugging session I looked at the clock and saw it was 3 in the afternoon. We kept on waiting and waiting for the doctor to tell us the news but he didn't came out of the room ever since he came inside. I waited until I felt my eyes getting heavy and slept on Zayn's shoulder.

I woke up and saw I was in a Paradise. Atleast that was what I thought. I mean who wouldn't call this a Paradise? Beautiful nature and Fresh running water from a lake. I went near the water and touch it. I felt a prescence next to me and I looked next to me. It was Jonnie. He was wearing all white clothes and he was glowing. I remember what happened and that Jonnie died and without hesitation I hugged Jonnie with all my might. I don't care wherever we are important thing is I got to hug my brother and let him tell me everything happening is just a dream.

"Pez, thank you for being the best sister I have ever had aside from Caitlin. Thank you for being with me through thick and thin and for always supporting me in everything I did in life. Always remember that wherever we are we will still be in each other's heart. You will always have a special spot on my heart pez. I love you so much even if you're a pain in the ass. I still love you and always remember that. I may not be here Everytime you want to see me but I will be always by your side if you want someone to talk to. I'm sorry if our promises together may not come true but hey maybe in the future it will and be more of it. I love you pez. I always had and forever will" Jonnie said while he was fading in the middle of the sentence and was already gone after he saud the word 'will'. I cried because I understood what he meant by that. He was saying goodbye to me.

I felt someone shaking me and I looked up and saw it was Zayn. I felt fresh tears on my eyes and I immediately wiped it. I pinched myself and realized that what happened was a dream. It was true. Jonnie is already dead. My brother.

"Babe, what is wrong? You are always crying when you sleep. You cried whike you were sleeping last night and so did today. Babe are you okay?"
Zayn asked worriedly and brought me closer to him. I cried in his shoulder while he hummed me a song. I calmed down for awhile and he kissed my forehead and gave me a passionate kiss. We kissed for awhile until we heard someone clearing their throat.

"As long as how all of you look so cute with each other, I have updates about the patient" The doctor started. I looked around the room and saw Harry sleeping on Jade's lap. Jesy sitting on Liam's lap since there are no more seats left. Leigh's head on Louis's shoulder and Louis's hand around Leigh's waist. I noticed we were also in the same position as them only difference is we kissed a while ago, maybe them too. On the corner of the room Dad comforting a crying mum.

"So like I said I have news for the patient" The doctor said and we all nooded at him

So another cliffhanger. I kind of like leaving cliffhangers in chapters, maybe I should do it more often now. Anyways thanks for reading Chapter 14 of UNEXPECTED I never thought I would get this far but hey life is full of suprises. Also please feel free to correct me if I had any grammatical mistakes. I love you guys to the moom and back. Goodbye everyone and stay safe

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