Chapter 13 Part II

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Perrie's POV
I heard an explosion on the other line amd it went dead. I looked down at Zayn and I saw he stopped what he was doing and looked at me confused. Zayn put his fingers on my chin making ne look at him.
"Babe what's wrong? You seemed tense" Zayn asked worriedly

"I am just worried babe. Caitlyn called and she said accident and I heard an explosion before the line went dead" I said getting teary

"Babe calm down. Maybe you should call Debbie about it" I nooded and put my dress back up and called mum. I called her 3 times already and she still didn't answer so I decided to go to the place where Caitlin told me. 5 blocks from our house.

I got there and noticed a person carrying one man and one woman. They both looked like Jonnie and Caitlin. I broke down at that thought.

"Pez calm down why don't we ask the people here and ask them if they knew them and what happened here" Zayn comforted. I couldn't speak so I just nooded.

"Um miss do you know who are the person's being carried in the ambulance and what happened to them?" Zayn asked to a woman in her mid 40s

"Unfortunately no, but they were in a car accident and they crashed on that tree over there. Unfortunately the other car driver escaped when he noticed what he had done. I dont know what exactly happened to them though but from the looks of it they look very critical" answered the lady. Zayn said thank you to the lady and we drove to the hospital.

As we got in the hospital, I asked the receptionist for Caitlin and Jonnie but she said they are still in the operating room and we can know the results maybe in the morning but they were not in a good condition. I cant help but break down again because of what they said. Zayn called mum and told her about the accident and to bring us clothes. We waited for mum and dad to be here and a few minutes later they were already here and brough me and Zayn clothes and make up remover. We changed in the bathroom and removed our make up. We waited until I felt my eyes getting heavy.

~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~

I woke up in Zayn's arms. I looked up and a doctor was coming near us.

"Family of Cailin and Jonnie Edwards?" He asked

We nooded and he begun talking about medical stuff  I don't understand but I was more confused when he said

"Im sorry, we tried everything but it wont work" He said and lead us to a white room with two persons covered in white cloth up to their faces. Mum and Dad started crying so did Zayn. I don't understand why are they crying? What are we doing here? Who are those persons? I am so confused.
Mum lowered the cloth under the man and woman's face. And that's when I realize it is Jonnie and Caitlin. I went to Mum's side and asked her what are we doing here. She answered me with those 4 words I didn't want to hear in my whole life.
"Perrie, they are dead" She said. I started to break down. Caitlin and Jonnie? They are dead? No. This is not happening. They were both fine. We were getting the party started. No. I am confused. They are not gone. They are just sleeping right? I bent down to Caitlin's side and checked for her pulse. None. I shake my head and tried again. Still none. I checked Jonnie's and the same. None. That's when I realized they're gone. They left me. They left us. Jonnie. Why did he leave me? He said he will be with me until my wedding. He said he was the one to walk me down the aisle. Caitlin. She was supposed to be my maid of honor. We were supposed to travel around around the world with our little ones and husband. But now, all of it wont come true. They left. They left me. Alone. They left mum and dad. They left us. By now I was crying a river but I don't care. Our dreams are shattered. I cant see them again and never will.

I woke up to Zayn shaking me.
"Pez wake up. Wake up. The doctor's are here"  I quickly shot up and saw that I am here in the waiting area. I am not in that dull looking room. It was all a dream. It was all a dream or that was what I thought. I heard the doctor said the words ge said in my dream.

" Im sorry, we tried everything. It didn't work. You can see them now" He said and left.

Hey guys so another cliffhanger. I don't know why but I am crying when I was writing this. Like legit. Well hope you guys enjoyed this chapter. Please feel free to correct me If I had any grammatical mistakes. Thank you for reading chapter 13 part II of UNEXPECTED. I love you guys and see you again

 UNEXPECTED *Zerrie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now