Chapter 4

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Zayn's POV
After Perrie left Leigh- Anne's house, i went home too. As i was driving i cant helo but think if what i heard from Perrie. No, it cant be, Gigi wont cheat on me AGAIN will she? No, i have to confront her about that. As I was near my house I saw an unfamiliar car at the front of our house. Its not my family's car nor Gigi's. Its not from her friends or my friends too. I walked inside the house i saw what i needed to see to believe Perrie. I saw them at the couch making out half naked. I cant contain what im seeing anymore. I cleared my throat and the both of them looked at me with shock in their eyes. "Excuse me but i think youre in the wrong room to have sex. I believe it must be on the bedroom so if you dont mind the bedroom is upstairs third room from the right. And Gigi were over." I said sarcastically " wait Zayn Its not what you think it was an accident" defended Gigi "it's not what i think it is? Then what it is? Its just a friendly make out session? Your just friends making out? Your just friends with benefits? And it was an accident? Gigi this is your second time cheating on me. The first time i believe it can be an accident but for the second time still an accident? What do you think of me an idiot? Answer me Gigi was he the one from the first time too?" I asked angrily "yes zayn. He is. I did this because i feel like you dont love me anymore. You always ignore me and get mad at me easily" she defended "so the both of you had been cheating on me and perrie for a ling time now? How dare you?! And guess what gigi, your right about that feeling i don't love you anymore because who will love a person whom you knew cheated in you? I only accepted you Gigi for the sake of our PUBLIC image. Now get out of my house with your shitty boyfriend abd bags. I don't wanna see you in this house anymore. This house is too loyal for yoyr liking" i said trying to contaun my anger "Zayn please im begging you we  can still fix this" she said crying " sorry gigi this relationship cant be fixed anymore. Now out of my sight i dont need a parasite" i said yelling the last part she wiped her tears and hurried upstairs. I got out the house and drove to Perrie's house.

As i got there i knocked in the door to be answered by a crying Perrie with red and puffy eyes. I cant help but hug her and to my surprise she hugged back. She cried on my shoulder and i cant help but cry too. We stayed like that for a couple of minutes until i decided to break it. I realized that i still havent moved on from Perrie. That i never had moved on from perrie. I only like Gigi but i don't love her. And I love Perrie. I kissed her forehead and moved to her lips. How i missed those lips on mine. We kissed for about a couple of minutes until I pulled back and said "i love you Pez I will always will" to my surprise she answered back "I love you too Zayn", okay so to be completely honest that was not the answer i was expecting. I was expecting like "im sorry zayn you have to go . what about gigi?. What about Alex?. AFTER ALL YOU HAVE DONE ZAYN?" But i was also happy of her response.

Perrie invited me inside her house and she asked what i was doing in there abd i told her everything. From not believing her about alex and Gigi cheating on us. To what i found out and about the 'I Love You'. I asked for her permission to court her and she said she will think about it. After that we just decided to catch up to each other about our family, friends, career, and our breakup. After catching up with each other we decided to watch a movie until we drifted to a deep sleep.

Author's Note:
Hi again everyone i hope your enjoying my story and im so sorry for this crappy chapter and the grammatical mistakes because English is not my first language so yeah feel free to correct me. And also,thank you so much for reading my story. Until next time good bye love you stay safe😉😊

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