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Perrie/Reina's POV
Screams,Tears and the smell of blood and tears filled the room. It has been exactly two weeks since I met up with Zayn and this past few weeks Patrick is treating me like shit. He beats me up till I can no longer stand and fall unconscious.

"Ah I see my baby is now awake" Patrick smirked at me


"You little liar!" He screamed punching me in the stomach.

"Stop" I whispered.

He kept on hitting me everywhere he wants. He punch me in the head,my back everywhere you can think of. He kept on talking about how different I am from Perrie while hitting me.

"STOP IT PATRICK! I AM NOT PERRIE!"I shouted and he looked shocked at first but his expressions quickly changed. From shocked his face turned burning red with anger. He exited the room and came back with a block of hard cement. He looked at me than back at the block of cement smirking.

"Patrick..what are you doing?" I asked when he started taking steps toward me raising the block of cement.

"I am going to ease your pain babe" He smirked and raised the block of cement above my head. The next thing I knew black overwhelmed me and flooding pictures or memories came.

I woke up to an eery familiar room but I cant put my finger in.

"HELLO?CAN SOMEONE HELP ME? HELLO?!" I shouted then someone came in. Someone I didn't saw for quite a while. Someone who's heart I broke.

"Luke?"I smiled at him because even if I broke his heart we did it in good terms.He looked at me angrily.

"Why are you looking at me like that? Aren't you gonna hug me or something?"I asked confusion in my face

"You bitch ruined my plans!" He shouted and started beating me up.I screamed until I remembered what happened. I remembered that I was Reina and he was Patrick. I remembered that I was dead. But am I? I then felt something sharp hit in my stomach and felt a cold liquid  going down my legs. I looked down and saw a knife in my stomach and blood going down my legs and staining my shirt.

Luke left the room and I was all alone.I started crawling around and saw a small window big enough for me to hit. I got on my tippy toes and smashed the window as  quite as possible. I got out making sure the shreds of glass doesn't hit my body. I successfully got out and went to the nearest payphone. I dialed Zayn's number as quick as possible and after ten rings he finally picked up.

"Zayn help me its Perrie." I said frantically.

"Perrie? You remembered?" He said and I can sense happiness in his voice.

"Yes. Zayn please save me here. Luke is hurting me and I am loosing too much blood because there is a knife in my stomach." I said and heard Luke's voice near

"Please I am here in Lukes old house please sa-" I was cut off when my mouth got covered and I was dragged back to the house.

"You little bitch you are going to pay!" He screamed and pulled out a gun.

"Luke! No!" I said and closed my eyes. After a minute that felt like eternity I opened my eyes and saw him smirking at me and shot me in the thigh. I dropped to the floor and my vision became blurry.

"Perrie!" someone-Zayn shouted. I smiled one last time before it all went black.

Zayn's POV
After I received the call from Perrie I quickly drove to Lukes place and entered the house quietly and heard a scream in the basement

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