Chapter 21

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Perrie's POV

I woke up and remembered the 'event' last night and I cant help but laugh.

"Well someone woke up happy" I heard a voice said. I turn around and saw Zayn. I laughed again and greeted him good morning. 

"So why were you so happy?" Zayn asked

"I just remembered the incident with Jade and Harry last night" I managed to say laughing afterwards.

"oh yeah I remembered I got the video" He answered and pulled out his phone. In the middle of the video while we were laughing our hearts out we heard a knock on the door. I got up and opened it only to see my favorite ship.

"Hey girly!" Jade hugged me

"Hey Girl sop you had fun last night?" I asked her in a serious tone trying not to laugh

"Yeah of course" jade said as if nothing happened. I nodded and let them in

"Oh hey its Jarry! Our favorite couple!" Zayn exclaimed and greeted them.

"So am I going to be a godmother again?" I asked them and Jade smacked me in the head.

"Nothing happened you know" Jade answered and I just rolled my eyes

"Really? That's why we cant sleep last night because something or someone was making moaning noises next to our room that was so frickin loud. Did you heard it Jade, Harry or you were the one making the noise?" I asked them suspiciously making Jade and harry go red as a tomato.

"Well you have no proof that it was us" Harry said

"Oh we'll see about that" Zayn said and played the video

After playing the video Jade and harry was still blushing red as a tomato and me and Zayn just laughed until my phone rang. I looked at the caller I.D and saw it was Tulisa so I silenced them.

"Perrie tell the others to be ready you all will be leaving today at 10 am sharp so pack your bags because the show will start tonight." She said and the line went dead. We all sighed and started packing. After packing a van picked us up and drove to the airport.

~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~2 MONTHS LATER

A/N Still Perrie's POV

 I am just sitting in my bunk currently playing a random game I found until I received a text from Liam. Why would he text me if we are in the same room.  I opened it which said

"Hey Per so I was planning on proposing to Jesy tomorrow since we have a free day. Any Ideas how? Thank you"

"Um IDK actaully but maybe just a simple and romantic dinner by a lake or something then pop the question. Good luck though" I replied to Liam and he just replied with a "thanks".

I woke up to a text from Tulisa saying we have a free day and I remembered  Liam's text. Speaking of Liam I got a text from him saying to help Jesy get ready with the clothes inside the bag next to me. I opened the bag to see a very beautiful dress and I cant help but squeal in delight making Jade and Leigh come to me. I told them Liam's plan and we all dragged Jesy to get ready. Surprisingly she did not ask us many questions.

Jesy's hair, makeup and outfit.

Jesy's hair, makeup and outfit

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Well Jesy still looks hot for a 5 month pregnant woman but oh well pregnant or not she still looks hot

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Well Jesy still looks hot for a 5 month pregnant woman but oh well pregnant or not she still looks hot. We got in the place Liam told us to be at and wow the place is great. The table is under a tree with fairy lights hanging on it and next to a lake. Jesy and Liam talked for lets say an hour is an understatement until Liam called us and we started to sing 'Perfect'  by Ed Sheeran with Missy Elliot. And thank god Jesy said Yes.



So Hi everyone yes I am back. So I know that this is a crappy chapter and I am so sorry for that. Reason is, I wrote this chapter during History and Math class because it was so boring and my nice classmates that were also bored keep on borrowing my laptop because they want to read it but in reality they wrote and edited this without my permission so insert drum roll the result was this crappy chapter. But trust me this will get better. Anyways hope you enjoyed this chapter and feel free to correct me if I had any grammatical mistakes. I love you all and stay safe.

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