Chapter 23

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Perrie's POV

I woke up in a room with white walls and floor and everything. Then I remembered the everything. Zayn cheating on me with GIGI. Buy why am I here? Last thing I remembered I was sleeping in my room and everything went black.

"Perrie how are you feeling?" a doctor entered my room and asked

"I'm fine but how did I get here?" I asked

"You passed out while sleeping Perrie and fortunately your friends got you rushed in the hospital just in time. If you stayed longer than it there is a high possibility that you would be dead right now" he explained and I nodded

"I am very sorry to say that you have ischemic heart disease Perrie.
Cardiac ischemia is the name for decreased blood flow and oxygen to the heart muscle. It's the term given to heart problems caused by narrowed heart arteries. When arteries are narrowed, less blood and oxygen reaches the heart muscle. ... Ischemia often causes chest pain or discomfort known as angina pectoris." He explained and I tried to understand it

"Also, if this is not treated you may suffer a heart attack that can be your end so I advice you to treat this because only a few people survived this disease. I will give you time to think about it Perrie and I will be back the day after tomorrow.". He said and left the room. Tears fell from my eyes uncontrollably. How can a single day ruin your whole life? My thoughts were cut off by a nurse entering my room. She handed me a glass of water and told me that my friends are coming in and I nodded in agreement. She left the room and the girls boys Lauren ally and Camila went inside the room and asked me how I felt. I told them everything the doctor said and gave different opinions. While they were talking I searched the room for familiar chocolate brown eyes. After a while I found the ones that I grew to love full of sadness. I locked my eyes with his and he did the same minutes after. Our staring competition was interrupted when we heard a cough. I saw that it was Lauren and they excused themselves to go out. After they all left Zayn remained inside and walk towards me.

"What are you doing here? Aren't you gonna go out?" I asked him folding my arms in front of my chest

"Perrie babe let me explain" he begged getting on his knees

"Don't kneel in front of me Zayn. I'm not a God." I said sternly

"I'm not gonna stop until you give me a chance. Please babe I love you so much I can't afford to loose you again. Please babe" he pleaded

"Fine you have a minute" I sighed

"First of all babe it was nothing-"
He started

"NOTHING?ARE YOU INSANE? YOU WERE MAKING OUT WITH YOUR EX AND IT WAS NOTHING? ARE YOU EVEN A PERSON FOR FUCKS-"Before I could even finish I felt warm lips on mine. The lips I missed to be on mine when I go to sleep. I kissed back and he deepened the kiss but I pulled back.

"It was nothing babe. Gigi and Alex are getting married next week and he just wanna kiss me one last time before being with the love of her life. Of course I gave her a chance because one last kiss won't hurt will it?" he asked

"Won't hurt? Zayn I understand Gigi but there are other things to give her one last time.I was okay if it was a just a kiss or peck but Zayn I'm not that stupid for you to lie to me that it was not a make out session because I tried it too many times to not even know" I started

"With who did you had your make out session?" Zayn asked smirking

"Now is not the time Zayn" I said sternly

"Then when can I get some?" He asked still smirking

"Can you please let me finish? Okay as I was saying it hurts more than being stabbed in the back and someone rubbing salt on the wound Zayn. It hurts really bad. I'm emotionally and physically broken right now and I don't know what to do" I said the verge of tears. I then felt warm lips on mine and instantly knew it was Zayn. I immediately kissed back and after minutes of kissing he moved his way down my neck and sucked my sweet spot and I moaned in pleasure. He sucked on it more making sure to leave a hickey until we heard someone clear their throat. Zayn immediately pulled back and I was shocked to see Zayn and Mine's mum.

"Hey mum and Trisha" I smiled innocently at them

"Hi Perrie how are you doing? Debbie sure was right about how the both of you can't keep your hands to yourself" she said and I glared at my mum

"I'm fine and MUM!!!" I said and we all laughed.

"We sure can't. I mean who could when you have a perfect girlfriend" Zayn said and hugged me from the side kissing my forehead and cheeks.

Hey everyone so here is Chapter 23 of UNEXPECTED. Hope you guys enjoyed this chapter and feel free to correct my grammar mistakes if I have any. Love you guys so fucking much and stay safe. BYEEEEE

 UNEXPECTED *Zerrie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now