Chapter 20

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Perrie's POV
Me and Mum got in Jonnie's room and hugged him. I helped him with his things whilst Mum signed a few papers. We got in the car afterwards and I told him about what happened with Jesy and my day with Myl. We chatted for awhile until we arrived at the our house. I excused myself from ny family and went to my room to get ready. I checked the clock and it said '4:37 PM'. Sigh, the party will start at 8 so that means I have a lot of time to kill. I can't get ready now its too early and I can't take a nap I might oversleep. I turned on the T.V to see a show I don't know but it looks nice so I decided to watch it.

Fortunately, It was a nice movie and I can relate to it I have no idea why but it just happens. I checked the clock again and saw it was '6:10 PM' already. Wait what!? I only have an hour to get ready!. I jumped to the shower and took the quickest bath I had ever taken and slid the clothes Me and Myl bought the other day. I did my hair and makeup and checked the time again. '6:57'. I checked myself at the mirror again until I heard a knock on the door. I opened it to reaveal Myl wearing the clothes we bought yesterday and had her hair in a high ponytail and natural Make-up enhancing her beauty.

Perrie's Outfit  Hair and Makeup

Perrie's Outfit  Hair and Makeup

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Myl's Outfit

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Myl's Outfit

Me and Myl exchanged greetings and went downstairs

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Me and Myl exchanged greetings and went downstairs. There I saw Jonnie and Zayn talking and we both headed towards them.

"Hey Babe" Zayn said and I replied with a simple "hi" .

"You looked gorgeous as always" He said.

"So do you" I replied giving him a small smile. He was wearing simple clothes, just skinny jeans and a black shirt that showed most of his tattoos.

"Don't I get a kiss for that?" He said and pouted. I giggled and kissed his cheek but instead he turned his head making me kiss his lips. He placed his hands on my waist and I did the same only my hands are around his neck. I feel him smile through the kiss and I can't help but do the same. We kissed for a few more minutes until we heard someone clear their throat. We pulled away and I saw Dad.

"Good to see that you are taking care of her Zayn but I am gonna repeat, Hurt her again and I will see you in hell" My dad threatened

"DAD!" I said to him, God.

"Just joking but just a heads up I want a grandson already so better hurry it up" Dad said and I blushed. I swear I was red as a tomato.

"Don't worry dad, we will try, maybe tonight right Babe?" Zayn said and wiggled his eyebrows. I just hit his arm playfully and laughed.

"You wish bad boy but wait since when did you start calling my dad, dad?" I asked him

"Well, me and Zayn talked for a few minutes in the hospital and let us just say that he is officially back in the family. Right Son?" Dad asked and Zayn nodded. Dad put his hand on Zayn's shoulder and said

"I will be leaving the both of you now. Have fun!" Dad said and walked towards Myl and Jonnie whom I did saw went to the bar. Zayn looked a me seductively and I just hit hit his arm again.

"Let's have real fun before getting to your kind of fun shall we?" I asked him and he pouted. I just pecked his lips and we went over to the bar. We talked for a while and drank but only a few shots so both of us is half sober and half drunk. I saw Harry and Jade walking up the stairs and me being the good and drunk friend decided to follow them. I told Zayn the situation we both followed them. As we were walking towards the bedrooms we saw Jade and Harry enter the guest room and we followed them. We pressed our ears to the door and I can't help but laugh at what we heard. I noticed Zayn was chuckling too.

"YES! YEAH HAZZY RIGHT THERE! YEAH RIGHT THERE! AHHH! FUCK YES HAROLD! COME ON BABY! AHHHH. YES DEEPER HAZ" we heard Jade moan and I can't help but chuckle since we can't risk being caught.

"YEAH JADEEY. YEAH THAT'S RIGHT! RIGHT THERE YES THERE BABY GIRL! FUCK YES!" we heard Harry moan again and I saw Zayn recording it the whole time. I chuckled and we headed to my room that was right next to Jarry's room. God of above help me, this is gonna be a noisy sleep.

Hey guys so hope you all enjoyed this chapter again so sorry of I had grammatical mistakes and please feel free to correct me. If you guys are wondering who in the land of flying biscuits Myl is, well she is a good friend of mine and bonus, also a mixer.

So Myl is her real name and Venice is also the name of my other friend 'AALIAH VENICE' so yeah in case you are wondering and also to give them credits. And also sorry for this short and crappy chapter um honestly my mental health is  acting up. I am depressed and I keep on having anxiety attacks and unfortunately tomorrow is Monday here in my country meaning I have to smile and laugh even though deep inside I want to be gone. I don't wanna tell my friends nor family about this because they will start worrying over the simplest thing about me and will attack me with questions every morning so yeah. I really want to say everything out loud but I don't want them to worry about me so this is why I write it here instead. So sorry for such a drama queen. And again until next time. Stay safe and smile even though your heart is aching.

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