Chapter 24

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Mystery Person's POV
I saw Perrie being dragged to thr hospital by her friends or shall I say bitches. You must be wondering who I am well I am Perrie's childhood friend who love her since then but it all got ruined when a Zayn guy came in the picture and took her away from me, so now its my time to turn the tables. I knew that Perrie has a heart disease and I know because let us just say that I know many people. I saw Perrie's surgeon getting out of room and I know that Perrie is going to have her surgery because again I know someone. I quickly pinned the surgeon to the wall of his office and offered him something very important.

I slapped the money on his face and threatened him

"Listen here Doctor Kimberly, bring me Perrie Edwards alive and say to her family that she is dead even if she is with me. And don't even dare tell anyone or else your head will nowhere to be seen"

"Please sir I don't want to" he pleaded and I placed a gun on his head


"Are we clear Doc Kimberly?"I asked sending him death looks and he nodded scared

"Good now bring her to me tomorrow" i said one last time and went out the door

Doctor's POV
The man went out the room. I didn't really want to do this to Perrie but I have to for my family's lives. I sighed and started her operation. I told the nurses about it and they didn't seem too keen about it but they have to do it or else. After the operation I injected Perrie the sleeping medicine so it will be easier to bring her to him.

I went out the room and saw her family, Zayn and his family, the Little Mix girls, One Direction boys, and  Fifth Harmony.

"I am very sorry to say that Ms. Edwards did not make it halfway through the operation. We will just send her to the morgue and you can see her dead body tomorrow" I said and went away. Lord Jesus I am so sorry for what I have done but this is for ny family.

Zayn's POV
I cant believe what the doctor said. Perrie promised me she would never leave me but why did she broke it? I do feel something fishy about the doctor but I decided to shrug it off. All of us cried our hearts out.

Today is the day we can see Perrie in a coffin. I was at the place and waited for her inside her coffin. It arrived but they didn't open the upper part where we can see her face. I asked the guy carrying it and he said that Perrie requested it. I know Perrie didn't say that because she always told me if she will die she wanted everyone to see her face for the last time. I shrugged it off and I cried with her family and friends.

Its been three days since Perrie died and today is the day we can't see her face forever. The mass started and after a while it was time for the speech. Her mum and dad is going first then her sisters next is me then the girls.

"Perrie wherever you are now remember that I will always love you no matter where and what you are. Thank you for all the memories you gave to us weather goid or bad. I love you very much darling always remember that and thank you for being with us through thick and thin." Her dad already started crying and her mum refused to give a speech because she was having an anxiety attack.

"Pezza thank you for being our rock during the hardest times. You may have decisions that we don't approve it is because we know that you will be hurt. We are very sorry if we are annoying and abnoxious but so are you. We love you so fucking much pez and we will miss you dearly" Jonnie and Caitlin took turn while saying and it was my turn

"Pez babe i am angry at you, you know? I am angry at you because you broke your promise that you will never leave me after the operation. Pez I know we had quite a misunderstanding before you died and I am so sorry. Pez love you promised ne that you will be with me forever. That you will come back to my arms after the operation with nothing more nothing less in your body but now you are gone. I can't hold you in my arms if you're scared anymore, i cant wake up to your beautiful face or your sweet messages. I miss you so much babe and it hurts that you left without saying goodbye. I am sorry for breaking your heart before and thank you for all the memories you gave me. I love you forever Per  always remember that." I said my voice cracking in the end

Hey Everyone sad chapter isn't it? Well thank you for reading this anyways and feel free to correct my grammatical mistakes. Bye everyone. I love you all. Good luck and stay safe

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