Chapter 12

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Perrie's POV
I woke up with a bad headache, it must be the alcohol we drank last night. Well today, we have rehearsals. All Day. I got cut off by my thoughts when I saw my phone go off. I read it which said:

Mommy Dearest:
Hi love. Hope you are still coming for the Halloween party on Wednesday night. Oh and be sure to bring a mask because we will be having a Halloween masquerade ball. Bye love and be safe.

I replied to her saying:

Pezza Dear:
Of course im coming mom and yeah I will. Im also bringing a special date with me.

And with that I went to take a shower and got dressed. I wore a black and white crop top and black leggings. I went to the kitchen and saw Zayn making breakfast.

"Hey babe what are you making"
I said hugging him from behind and putting my chin on his shoulder.

"Good morning love Im making pancakes " he said while kissing my forehead. I nooded and sat down. After awhile Zayn gave me my food and we both started eating. In The middle of our eating I decided to ask Zayn if he would like to be my date on my family's Halloween masquerade ball.

"Um babe my family is going to host a Halloween masquerade ball and I have to bring a friend and a date. So Zayn will you be my date?" I ask Zayn

"Of course babe anytime" Zayn answered smiling exitedly

After that we talked about rehearsals, the costumes and my friend and her date. After talking we went to our rehearsals. After our rehersals Tulisa called us and told us that the tour will be cancelled because there will be a tribute band performing there on the same date with us and because of that they didn't have any more sales because all the people paid to watch us so their manager and Tulisa decided that we will just go on tour next week and we are free to do anything we like. I asked her if I could go back to South Shields and she said its okay as long as I get back before tour. I quickly told Jade the news and we both squealed and went shopping. As we were going to the mall I asked Jade who will her date and she said of course Harry and said that Zayn and Harry are also going shopping.
We went inside the mall and picked dresses and tried them on. Jade tried on the first dress which she is an Alice and asked for my opinion.

"Eww no Jade it looked so slutty on you like really its too short and shows so much of your boobs"

She tried another one which she was a Little Red Riding Hood and asked for my opinion on that one

"Um also no, It doesn't fit you to be completely honest I think try the other one"

She tried the last one and I was suprised of what she looked like. She looked amazing. She asked for my opinion once again

"Yas Jade that's the one!" I said happily.

She got changed and I asked for her opinion in my first outfit. I was a witch.

"Ew no pez it lools so ugly on you"

I looked im the mirror and agreed. I put my second outfit on and asked fkr her opinion. I was a vampire.

"Looks good on you pez but I don't like it on you"

I looked on The mirror and agreed on what she said. I tried on my last outfit and asked for her opinion. She gasped and said

"Oh My Fuck thats the one pez!" We both laughed and paid for our costumes. We went to the Mask store and bought masks. We got home and went to sleep. I asked Zayn what he will be but he wont tell me so I guess this will be a surprise.

I woke up and saw it was almost time for us to go to the airport. Oh if you are wondering all of us decided to take a private  jet instead of a regular airplane because it will cause too much crisis. I woke Zayn up and quickly took a bath and changed into grey sweatpants and a white crop top. We met Jade and Harry on the lobbly and all of us went to the airport together.

~skip flight and car ride~

I knocked on my house to be greeted by my smiling family. They all tackled me in a hug before realizing I have someone with me. I decided to let my family meet them.

"Mum,Dad,Jonnie, Cait this is Harry Jade's boyfriend, Jade my best friend as y'all know and Zayn, my boyfriend" I introduced them one by one. My family was in shock after what I said in the last part of the sentence, there was silemce until Dad spoke up

"As long as you wont hurt Perrie again and you will always make her happy, you are always welcome to The family son" my dad saud while man hugging Zayn and patted his back. The rest of my family just nooded and we went inside and chatted

Hey guys so as promised I updated today and thank you so much for the "Happy Birthday's". I hope you enjoyed this chapter and again feel free to correct me if I have grammatical mistakes. I love you guys and thanl you for reading Chapter 12 of UNEXPECTED

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