Chapter 16

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Perrie's POV
I remembered the times when I was still young. I don't have to worry aboyt anything and I can do whatever I want without being judged. Where everything was alright.  When all of us were alive. I didn't notice that I was already crying when some tears dropped on my jeans and I felt it get wet. I felt someone wipe my tears and I looked up to see who it is. Zayn. I smiled at him and he smiled back abd continued wiping my tears. After wiping it he gave me a peck on the cheek and knelt down to my level and rubbed circles on my knee. After a while Jonnie's doctor came inaide the room and directed us to Jonnie's room.

"I am so sorry for the false alarm but Jonnie is now alive" He said and pointed at the monitor indicating that a person is alive. We sighed in relief and nooded for him to continue

"Apparently he's body underwent shock that causes his heart to stop beating for a few hours. Until now, we still don't know what made him undergo shock. So, Congratulations not many people get a chance to survive again." We smiled and thanked him and he excused himself. I smiled and hugged Zayn.

"Thank you Babe" I said still hugging him

"What for Babe?" He asked confused

"For being here with us. For staying with me" I said

"Nothing to be thankful for love. I love you and I will never leave you again. I left you once and I am not doing it again because I realized that it was the biggest mistake of my life. And, Jonnie is  like my brother already and I cant afford to leave him and you here" He said

"I love you so much Zayn. I never regretted giving you a second chance" I said

" I love you too Perrie. And Thank You for giving me another chance. This time I promise I won't waste it again" He said and crashed his lips on mine. I kissed back and he snaked his hands on my waist and I put mine on his shoulder. We kissed for awhile and I broke the kiss before it could make the others awkward but from what I saw it wouldn't.

"Perrie darling, I am going to get is food alright?" Mum said

"Ok mum" I said and she walk up the door with dad

I looked back at the couples. Jade and Harry are kissing. Liam and Jesy kissing too. Leigh and Louis too. And Niall sleeping on the couch. I laughed to myself and took a picture.

I woke up the next morning and got a text from Tulisa.

Pez I know you have problems going on right now but don't forget  that tour will be starting the day after tomorrow. If you can't come on tour, tell me so you can decide wheather or not to tell the fans about it and about Zayn and your's relationship because some fans saw you and Zayn entering the hospital together.

Our relationship. Do we have to tell the public about it? Well it has been months since Zayn and Gigi and Mine and Alex's break up. But I am sure I will get alot of hate when we go public about it. Sigh, I guess I should.

I saw Zayn starting to wake up so I put my head back in his shoulder.

"Good Morning Beautiful" Zayn greeted with his beautiful morning voice

"Good Morning babe. Babe, do we tell the fans about us?" I ask him

"I guess we should. But I am sure you will get tons of hate afterwards Pez and I don't want to see you get hurt" He said and hugged me

"I think we should Zayn. They already saw us entering this hospital together and tour is coming up the day after tomorrow. I don't want to leave Jonnie here babe. Not until he wakes up" I said and hugged him tighter

"I guess we don't have anymore choice. And babe if you don't want to go on tour yet, I can stay here with you so you won't be alone because your parents have work" He said and kissed my forehead

"Babe you don't have to do that. I'm gonna be okay here" i said

" If you don't want me to stay here with you, then come on tour so I can look after you" He said and I have no other choice

"Fine. Okay" I said and he kissed me again. I kissed back and we lay on the couch afterwards.

Hey guys so I know that this is a crappy chapter so sorry for that just ran out of ideas because of this stupid exam that I have to study. Anyways I promise to make a better one tomorrow I know I promised that this will be a chapter but I guess promises are meant to be broken but you can't blame me I have to study for a fucking test by Teacher ***** ****** shhh😉. Anyways I will try to make a better chapter tomorrow.

Second, THANK YOU SO MUCH FOR 1K reads. It means alot to me since this is my first ever book and it is truly UNEXPECTED. Thank you so much to all the active readers and voters I don't need to say who it is but I am sure you know yourself who I am talking to. Hint there are 9 of them.

Also, let ne know if you want other ships in the next chapter just comment who you want.

Lastly, thank you for reading this chapter and so sorry if I had any grammatical mistakes and please feel free to correct me if I had some. I love you guys so much and so so sorry for this shitty chapter. Bye and Take Care.

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