Chapter 8

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I woke up and saw I got a text from Tulisa.
Hey pez. Good morning please tell the others that you have a free day today and we will be leaving tomorrow.xx
I smiled and saw that Jade was starting to wake up. I jumped on her bed like a little child and she groaned throwing a pillow to me. I quickly catch it and threw it back to her which i dont even know how but ended as a pillow fight. We both stopped when we heard Zayn said "The both of you are so annoying can you please stop that im trying to sleep here". Me and Jade grinned at each other already knowing what we are both thinking. Before Zayn could even realize what we were doing me and jade tickled him until he was begging us to stop. We stopped what we were doing and told them what Tulisa said and they both cheered. We decided to telk the others so we went to Liam,Jesy and Niall's room. As we got inside we saw Niall sitting by himself on the couch watching football.
"Hey ni tulisa said we can have a free day today. Do you know where Jesy and Liam is? I asked to Niall while Zayn and Jade sat on the couch.
"Oh why thats good news and Jesy and Liam is in the kitchen talking or more" Niall answered
I decided to go and tell them but when I was almost at the kitchen i heard them talking so i eavesdropped. I heard them talking
"Liam how do we tell them? I don't know how and im sure Perrie will not be happy about it due to what happened to her and Zayn. Babe i dont know how to tell them" i heard jesy said. What am I not going to be happy about and did he just call Liam BABE?
"Its okay Jes. Perrie is a wonderful girl i dont think she would do that. Lets just tell them now shall we? I heard liam said. Before i hear anything else I went inside the kitchen. As i came in the kitchen i saw they immediately tensed. I smiled and sat next down to them and told them about the news Tulisa told me. After telling them i decided to pop the question.
"So jes, what would I not be happy about?" I noticed Jesy tensed and looked at Liam
"Pez, please don't be upset or angry but me and liam,err, um, we are together." Said jesy to me with pleading eyes
"Why would you think that Jes? Of course im very happy with the thought of you being together" i said while laughing at the end.
"So your not mad or upset or anything?"
"No of course not silly but why did you think I'd be upset or angry?"
"Because you know, because of what happened with zayn and your's relationship"
"I will always support your life decisions jes. If you are happy than I am too. Now don't think of anymore nonsense and lets tell the others"

After telling everyone the news about what Tulisa said and Jesy and Liam's relationship we decided to go out today and go to the carnival. We agreed to meet each other at the lobby in 20 minutes.

Perrie was wearing this:

After I was done getting ready i saw Jade was done too

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After I was done getting ready i saw Jade was done too. We both went down the lobby and noticed we were the only one they were waiting for. We all piled in the car and started driving to the carnival.


We arrived in the carnival and decided to split into two groups. The first group was me,Zayn,Jesy and Liam. The second group was Jade,Harry,Leigh,Louis and Niall. Me,Zayn,Jesy and Liam went first to the rollercoaster and let us just say that it was a BLAST! We then went into many more rides until we wanted to ride the ferris wheel. Only two persons can fit in a single compartment and of course Jesy and Liam went in together so I had to ride with Zayn. Not that im complaining though but it just brings back a lot of memories. We got in and as soon the ride started Zayn held my hand.
"Pez i know i was the one who broke up with you-"
"Zayn its ok. Im good about it" I said cutting him off
"No perrie please listen. As I was saying i know i was the one who broke up with you but  i know it was my lost. I lost the person who truly cared for me and was with me through thick and thin. I don't know what was up with me when I sent that message pez but i am sure of one thing and it is the biggest mistake i made in my whole life. I used Gigi so i could finally say that i had move on but in reality i was not. I was still madly in love with you just like from the day i first saw you. You must be wondering what we are pez because i kissed you a multiple times already but dont worry i am too. But i don't care what we are, what is important is i felt those lips on mine. The lips in longed for the past few years. I still love you perrie i always had. Please give me a chance to prove my love to you again and I wont waste it. Please Perrie just one more chance." He said with tears on his eyes threatening to fall out anytime soon. I just hugged him and whispered " i will give you that Zayn and I still love you too. I never stopped loving you" i said with tears streaming down my cheecks.
After our little moment the ride stopped and we went down and met the others.
I sure do hope he wont ruin this chance i gave him because this will be his last one.

Author's Note:
Thank you for reading Chapter 8 of UNEXPECTED. Hope you enjoyed reading this chapter. Sorry for grammatical mistakes and if I did feel free to correct me just like what lemongal123 did to the other chapter which I was very thankful for. Also I decided to update twice today since i have nothing to do.  I love you guys so much and i will see you tomorrow. Stay safe 😊

 UNEXPECTED *Zerrie Fanfic*Where stories live. Discover now