Chapter 2

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Zayn's POV
After the incident with perrie i got a text from liam.
Liam: Hi mate go to leigh's house as soon as you read this we have something to discuss.
Zayn: okay mate be there in 5
Wait leigh's house? What are we doing in leigh's house? Oh well atleast i can see perrie and her beautiful voice,hair,face,eyes,lips and- wait did i just said that? But i have Gigi. No, but dont i love gigi? Ahhh! Im so confused.

| At leigh's house |

As i got in everybody was there except for Niall and Perrie. I took a seat next to Harry beacuse they were forming a circle. There was awkward silence in the room until Perrie came up and took a glance at me and sat next to Jade and now we are facing each other. There was once again awkward silence until Niall barged in the door and sat next to me opposite of Jade. There were silence until Jade decided to speak up " so we asked you guys to come here to hang out cause we haven't hang out after you know their breakup. So we decided not to hang out a bit and bring back the good old days since we are also going on tour with each other in a couple of days."
"So what do we do?" Asked louis
"We are going to play Truth dare or shot"said jesy and got up to get an empty bottle of champagne. She twirled it and landed on me. Shit. The other tip of the bottle landed on louis with the biggest smirk on the phase meaning he will have to ask me the question. "So, zayn .truth, what is your biggest secret recently" asked louis "what?i didn't even got to to choose" i pouted "well sorry about that now answer the damn question"
I sighed and looked at perrie who had a guilty and scared face. "I-i-i" "YOU WHAT!" They all shouted at me "i-i kissedperried" i said really fast "you what? I cant understand say it a little bit slower" said louis. I sighed then answer "i kissed perrie" they all look at me with shocked expressions except for perrie and louis. Perrie having a face clearly saying that 'i can kill you right now' and louis's very happy face. It took them a few minutes to speak until jesy spoke "why?" "I dont even know" "okay. Right. Moving on" she spinned the bottle a few times to the others until it was perrie's time to answer. The other tip of the bottle landed in louis with the biggest smirk. "Okay have to kiss somebody on the room with a name starting with letter Z. And you cant take shot."louis dared "what?i cant even choose?" Answered perrie "NO OR YOU WILL PERFORM A LAP DANCE INFRONT OF ZAYN" replied louis with a stern face " you know i cant do that louis. I have a boyfriend" perrie answered "oh right. Okay fine just tell us why you didnt  go home tou yours and Alex's apartment" asked louis with a pleading face. "Fine me and alex had a fight" answered perrie "why?" " That reason is for you to find out" and after that everyone resumed the game. After the game everyone decided to watch a horror movie about a creepy doll. Perrie was the last one to sit down because she was the one who made the popcorn and luckily the only seat left was next to me on a 2 person couch. She sighed and sat next down next to me accidentally touching my hand. I dont know how but there were butterflies in my stomach when her skin came contact with mine. She sat down and the movie begun. Halfway through the movie everyone was screaming including me. When the bloody doll appeared perrie screamed and hid in my chest without realizing it. I chuckled slightly and she instantly sat up blushing. I chuckled again " your si cute when you blush. And you know its okay you can do that everytime." I said swinging my arms around her shoulders "you know what we did and what we are doing are wrong right?" She asked lookung in my eyes "if your talking about the kiss dont worry i enjoyed it. I will always will. And you know what? I don't mind doing it again" i whispered in her ear and pecking the side of her lip. She just blushed and continue watching the movie while my head was on her shoulder and soon after that we were cuddling. We didnt realize it after a few minutes that we were the only ones awake. I looked up at her and she looked back at me with a confused face. Soon after i put my hand on the back of her neck presing our lips together and my other hand on her waist. She tried to escape at first but i only gripped on her neck tighter, after a few seconds she stopped and kissed me back. Our kiss lasted a few minutes until she pulled back "zayn what was that?" She asked confused " i just missed it " and with that  i kissed her again.

Authors note:
Hi guys hope you enjoyed this chapter sorry for grammatical mistakes because English isnt my first language so yeah feel free to correct me. Love you guys

Word Count: 910 words

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