How you met

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F/n- first name
L/n- last name
Y/n- your name
Darkiplier: When visiting your long time friend Mark to do a collab, a guy in a tuxedo comes barging into the recording room saying. 'Mark when did you say your-' he sees you sitting down next to Mark 'friend-... Oh uh hello there.' He turns back and leaves the room, you look at Mark questionably. He sighs before saying 'That's Dark. He is my alter ego and he lives here.'

Wilford Warfstache: You get a call from a television show saying they wanted you to come on so they could interview you. You agree and meet at the studio the next day. You are approached by a handsome man with a pink moustache and pink hair. 'Excuse me ma'am are you F/N, L/N?' 'Why yes indeed I am...' 'Oh I'm terribly sorry, My name is Wilford Warfstache and I'll be interviewing you today.' After the interview he gave you a slip of paper which read.
I would love to get to know you better.
Here is my phone number for if your interested.
Googleplier: You friend Matthias recently got the new Google IRL to test out and he messaged you to come and save him. You go over and see Matt cowering next to a robot that had a evil grin on its face. 'Really Matt? You needed me too save you from this Mark look-alike?' 'Why yes I did Y/n. He was ripping my clothes to shreds and breaking the dishes with a hammer. Also when I tried to shake his hand he punched me in the crotch.Plus you needed to come pick him up since I got him for you.' 'Alright I'm here now Matt. Ok Google follow me if you please.' Google then followed you out to your car where you took him back to your apartment, not before grumbling towards Matthias.

Host: You were walking home through the short cut, which just happened to go through the spooky forest. While walking you got the feeling you were being watched and you turning around to see a man in a tan trench coat and a bloody bandage wrapped around his eyes. 'Host was wondering why a beautiful lady such as yourself was wondering through the forest at this time?' Oh uh I was walking home and this way is the short cut.'you say hesitantly. 'May I accompany you the rest of the way?' 'Uh sure, but might I ask what your name is?' Host's name is Host and you are Y/n, am I not correct?' 'Y-yeah, how did you know my name Host?' 'Host knows things that others do not.' After this he walked with you the rest of the way through the forest keeping you company. You chatted with him along the way, even though you thought it was a little strange how he spoke in 3rd person. When you reached the end Host had disappeared. Let's just say you walked through the forest more often just to speak with Host.

Antisepticeye: Similiar story to Dark's but Anti stayed in the room and got to know you better. Although Jack was hesitant of Anti staying because of how unpredictable he was around people. When he was speaking with you his actions were almost gentle and he didn't pull out his knife towards you. He pulled it out on Jack a few times because he tried to get him out of the room.

Dr Schneeplestein: You were training to become a nurse and you were assigned to him as his apprentice. He enjoyed your company and when you were done with the apprenticeship with him he convinced you to stay and work alongside him.

Chase Brody: You got a job to be apart of the Bro Average team. Chase gave you a tour of the place and you found him quite funny. Whilst working there you and him bonded quickly and the bond became something more than friendship.

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