Toddler on the loose

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Thank you @Markisdaddy101 for requesting. However for this I decided to make him a toddler instead of a baby, hope you don't mind.

No one knows exactly how it happened or when it happened but there is now a toddler running about the manor and no one can find him. All the egos and yourself had been assigned different places, whether they be indoors or outside to look for the lost toddler. Who the toddler may be you ask? None other than Wilford Warfstache himself. Dark had given you a few rooms indoors to search for mini Wilf, one of which included the kitchen. A loud smashing sound made you speed up your journey to the kitchen.

Upon entering, you spot a toddler sized Wilford attempting, key word attempting to climb up on the bench where the knives were stored. What looked like the remains of a bowl was smashed on the floor. After carefully making your way through the glass shards you crouch beside Wilford. 'Hey pinky. I know you like knives but they aren't safe for guys your size.' That caused the toddler to turn around and face you, a pout on his face. Instead of his signature pink moustache, what looked like pink marker was drawn messily on his upper lip. 'How about, until this is all sorted and you're back to Wilford size, we go cuddle and watch some movies?'

The pout on Wilford's face almost immediately disappears and is replaced by a cheeky grin. 'Wha 'bout cookies?' Wilford asks as he fiddles with his shirt which was now extremely long on him. 'Sure. Just promise no playing with knives, guns or any weapon for the time being.' Wilford nods before jumping forward and latching onto you, hooking his arms around the back of your neck as he cuddles into you. You hug him back and pick him up, resting him against your hip securely before you rummage through the cabinets and find the cookie tin.

You walk into the lounge and settle both yourself and Wilford down on the couch before you click play on a movie. However the pair of you didn't make it through the movie, both of you falling asleep halfway through as you cuddled together. Later once all the egos had returned from their search they found you and a back to normal size Wilford cuddled up together on the couch snoozing, blissfully unaware of everybody in the room.

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