What you and them do for Halloween

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Dark: You and Dark walk around the neighbourhood scaring the shit out of every demon/human.

Wilford: Surprisingly Wilford has quite the sweet tooth. He raids the candy bowl when you aren't looking and begs you to come out trick or treating with him.

Google: You and Google cuddle up on the couch watching scary movies until the both of you fall asleep/power down.

Host: Halloween is Host' favourite time of the year, partially because he feels more accepted. People don't judge him as much for the bloody bandage, thinking it's apart of a costume.

Anti: Anti helps Jack out a lot for Halloween, he makes many appearances in his videos. Anti may seem like a crazed psychopath in the videos but he is a real sweetheart. Since he pushes himself to bring out the glitches and things during the videos he becomes extremely calm and docile afterwards.When you and him walk around people always complement him on his awesome Anti 'costume.'

Schneep: Henrik still wears his doctor cloak around and hands out strange things like plastic teeth instead of candy. When his back is turned you place candy into the children's baskets.

Chase: You and Chase are always in a couples costume of some sort. You and him act like children going around trick or treating, having a fun night. When you and him get back home you both fill up on candy till your stomachs are sore.

Since it's Halloween tomorrow for me thought I'd make a Halloween chapter.

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