How Google reacts to spiders

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You and Google were cuddling on the couch, all was peaceful until all of a sudden something small and black scurried across the floor, causing Google to shriek. He jumps up to perch on the back of the couch and sends you tumbling to the floor. His eyes were narrowed to slits, his shoulders hunched in a way that reminded you of an angry cat, his core whirring wildly as a low, drawn-out growl escaped his throat, rumbling deep in his chest. Well of course you were a bit ticked off at being thrown to the floor but the sight of Google perched up on the back of the couch was one you couldn't help but giggle at. When you asked what was wrong, Google didn't respond, he didn't seem capable of it, he just kept growling, eyes fixed on the little black creature on the floor.

When you followed Google's gaze to the small creature all you could say was. 'Dude, it's just a spider.' You pick up the small spider, gently guiding it into the palm of your hand. 'It's not even the size of my pinky nail.'  The android's growl transformed into a terrified hiss as you picked up the spider.

When Google finally spoke, his words came out in panicked glitches. 'I DON'T CARE! GET IT AWAY FROM ME!' You look at Google with a raised eyebrow before you burst into a fit of laughter. Google visibly bristled, then shrunk back when the little spider moved in your palm. 'Laugh all you want.' He hissed. 'But you have no idea how disgusting it is picking sticky little webs out of your joints and wires. It was single handedly the worst experience of my life to date.' He shuddered, and you had to slap a hand over your mouth to keep from snorting, the hand not holding the spider of course.

'S...sorry, Google.' You giggle out. 'But, it's just... hilarious that you would be afraid of spiders, considering you are more than capable of wiping out a whole species.' Google's eyes flashed dangerously. 'I am not afraid.' The spider leapt out of your hand and scuttled a little in his direction, and Google let out a high-pitched yelp, curling into himself. 'I would just...prefer if they were nowhere near me.' With a roll of your eyes you pick the spider up and you carry it towards the window.

Google went back to growling, eyes locked on the creature as you moved to open the window and toss it outside. Google remained focused on the window, eyes narrowed and tinted red, even after you closed it and stepped away. 'Get off the back of the couch, you're going to break it.' You wave a hand in Google's direction, snapping your fingers, and were not entirely surprised when you received no reaction. You snapped several pictures of the petrified Google with your phone out of amusement and to tease him later about it. When you stepped closer to Google, Google's eyes flashed a deeper red. With a sigh you leave him be. Great.

'Google, come down.' Google didn't respond.
'For the love of God, Google, the spider is long gone! Get off the couch.'
'Absolutely not.' Google says.
'I swear – Google! It's been twenty minutes!'
'Plenty of time for it to bring friends.'

It's a headcannon of mine that the big bad robo boy is freaked by spiders, however he won't admit it

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