You get in a car accident

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Just as a precaution. This chapter may contain some triggering or not so happy thoughts

When Dark received a phone call from an unknown number he had half the mind to press the decline button, however a feeling of dread washed over him and he picked up the phone. It was a nurse calling from the hospital as he was written down as your emergency contact 'Damien.' Once he found out the location of the hospital he hung up, his aura was whipping around wildly. It was a hit and run accident. Someone had dared to harm his love and run off like a coward, the red of his aura was barely containing itself from splitting from anger, whilst the cyan part was swirling around with worry. Dark found out that you were lucky and only suffered from a few bruised ribs and a broken arm, however once he got to the hospital you were sleeping peacefully from the anaesthetic. He sat by your side and held your non broken hand gently in his own, holding your hand up to his lips. He would deal with the culprit later, but for now, you were his top priority.

I woke up to a note from Y/N, which said that said that she was going Christmas shopping and would be back in an hour. But it had been much longer than when she left. I wasn't much of a worry wart but something about the situation didn't seem right. I decided to call her just to make sure everything was alright. When I called it was not her voice that answered. 'Hi, Y/N is currently in the hospital. She got into a fatal car accident and we thought we'd notify you.' The woman said.

'What do you mean car accident? Which hospital? I'll be right there!' I said, hanging up after she told me which hospital. I was still in my pajamas and I was sure I had bed head, Y/N was much more important than what anyone thought of my appearance. I took a cab to the hospital and tried my best not to breakdown before I got to her room. When I walked in I saw Y/N's parents, who had gotten there shortly before I did, they were both in tears. I looked over at Y/N, cuts surrounding her body. Her eyes were open, but she seemed confused. She must have just woken up. Then she looked over at me, she didn't see me at first. 'Hey Will.' She said softly.

'Hi Darling, how are you feeling?' I asked her. I was barely able to speak, I was holding back tears. 'I don't know what happened.' She admits. I walked over so that I was by her side. 'You got in a car crash on the way to go Christmas shopping.' I said. That's when she seemed to remember things. She shivered and had a face of complete horror as she remembered the crash. I watched as tears started to fall from her eyes as well. The room was dead silent (aside from the sound of occasional sniffling) no one knew what to say. 'Hey Will?' She wondered after all our tears had slowed. 'Yes?' 'Why are you wearing pjs?'  And for the first time that day, I smiled.

All day Host had been feeling.. off? His gut was sensing him something, a sense of something bad. For better words he could sense something bad was going to happen, he just didn't what and to who. Unfortunately the bad thing was going to happen to you. You and Host were currently talking on the phone. You were walking to his place so the pair of you could have a movie night.

Host had told you about his off feeling and you assured him everything would be fine. At an intersection you put Host on speaker so you could still talk but you would be able to have more awareness of your surroundings. Everything was all clear and the green pedestrian light was on, everything was safe for you to cross the road. Unfortunately a car came speeding down the road and went through the red light. Host in his position at home was 'seeing' everything happen a split second before it did happen, before he could warn you of the car the screeching of tires and a loud bang sounded from the phone that sat in front of Host.

Your phone went flying from your hand and smashed upon impact before it skid along the road. Host let out a soft whimper as he mumbles your name out, he now knew why he had been getting the bad feeling in his gut. It was a warning. A warning that you would get hurt. Host was unfortunately unable to visit you in the hospital but once you were released he kept a constant eye on you and coddled you like a small child. Terrified that you would get hurt again.

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