Cat got your tongue?

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Thank you @pointlesslikelife for this request. It was fun to make

Everything was going well. That is until it wasn't. You and Wilford had decided to leave the manor and muck around outside, you were determined to find the raccoon that has been playing around in the trash for the past few nights. The pair of you did indeed find the little trash panda, unfortunately you decided to cuddle the adorable little guy. For a few moments the raccoon was actually calm and chill in your hold, until he decided he wanted to be put down.

The raccoon's way of doing that was by biting and clawing the shit out of your arms. The raccoon succeeded in getting put down (more like dropped) but also succeeded in leaving a bunch of scratches along your arms. Wilford's eyes widen as he watches the raccoon scamper off before he looks at your cuts. As a joke you say, 'that hurt like a butt cheek on a stick.'
Wilford looks at you confused before he utters out one word, extremely softly. 'Rabies.' Should I mention you and him had watched Cujo the previous night?
'Will, I'm fine.' You giggle before walking off, now determined to go tree climbing.

Before you could get any further Wilford yells for Dark before he hugs you from behind, pinning your arms to your side, being careful of your newly created scratches. You immediately started cursing the pink moustached male and began squirming to free yourself from his hold. It did little to nothing to release his grip that is until a small cough sounds from behind the pair of you. Dark stood behind Wilford, looking more annoyed than anything. 'What do you want Wil?'

'We must go to Doc! Rabies!' Wilford speaks fast.
'I beg your pardon?' Dark asks, clearly confused.
'R a b i e s.' Wilford spells out slowly.
'Come on guys I'm fine. Just a few scratches.' You laugh nervously as you try to reason to no effect as Dark hooks an arm under one of your arms whilst Wilford does the same to your other arm before they began to drag you back towards the manor. With the two of them dragging you off towards Doc's office you knew you wouldn't be able to escape, but it was more fun to put up a fight than sit still after all.

To make their job more difficult you thrashed about and squirmed, which only made them hold tighter, but not enough to hurt you of course. You yell out and scream till you were certain your throat would hurt the next day, complaining every step of the way as the pair giggle (more like just Wilford giggling) and chat about how dramatic you were being.

'Excuse you Mr Dark and Edgy. I think you're more dramatic with your overuse of eyeshadow.' You pout and stick your tongue out in a playful way before grinning innocently as you see him glare at you out of the corner of his eye. Wilford snorts only to look away when Dark glares at him. Once in Doc's office and after a scowling for playing with the raccoon he gave you a shot to make sure you wouldn't get any infection and he bandages up your arms. You go to say thanks to Doc but find no sound would come out. You accusingly glare at Wilford who put his hands up in a way to show it wasn't him. You then glare at Dark who smirks. 'If you can't say anything nice then don't say anything at all.'

Wilford snickers, now seeing how dramatic Dark really was. 'Wow Darkling, you are dramatic.' Cut to Dark doing the same thing to Wilford, now leaving the pair of you grumpy and quiet. Dark did however reverse the effects later, after teasing the pair of you with 'cat got your tongue?'

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