First Date destination

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Dark: Dark took you out to a really nice restaurant for lunch, he took you to the movies afterwards and it was really sweet and romantic. He was such a gentleman and managed to keep the 3D look to the minimal to not attract attention.

Wilford: Wilford asked to meet up with you at Starbucks a few days after you met for the interview. He was dressed in his usual attire. Yellow button up shirt, pink bow tie and suspenders with grey pants. It went wonderfully and you and him agreed to another date a week later.

Google: Since Google didn't really understand much about being human, you and him stayed indoors and had a nice home cooked meal which he prepared himself.

Host: You and Host walked around the forest you and him met in. He took you back to the cabin he was staying in when he wanted peace and quiet from his brothers.

Anti: Anti took you to an amusement park that was in the area for a few weeks. You and him went on so many roller coasters and rides, the only one that kinda freaked him out was how high the Ferris wheel was. He won a cute plush for you in one of the games around the park.

Schneep: Henrik and you went out and had a picnic at the local park. After you and him had lunch you and him walked around the lake, arranging plans for another date.

Chase: You and Chase stayed up all night watching Disney movies. You and him made an awesome pillow fort and fell asleep in it, wrapped in each other's arms. Dr Schneeplestein may have walked in and taken a few photos of the adorable scene.

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