What you call them

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Dark: My King, Hun. Since he calls you my queen, it only seems fit for you to return the favour

Wilford:Will. Short and simple. You think it's cute and your the only one he allows to call him that. (Dark once called him that and he lost his shit so bad, Mark had to call you in order to calm him down.)

Google:Mr know it all. Google literally knows everything so it's a little joke you have with him.

Host: You just call him Host. He doesn't really like nicknames. He prefers you call him Host because he thinks it sounds nice when you say it.

Anti:Little Devil. To annoy him you call him Glitch Bitch, he seems to only allow you to do so. He is literally the devil on your shoulder but he is your Little Devil.

Dr Schneeplestein: Schneep or Henrik. He only allows you to call him by his first name. Schneep is just the nickname everyone calls him.

Chase: Trickshot. You called him that one time and it kinda stuck so now that is what you call him most of the time.

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