Gifts he gives you

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Idea by @claudinsia
Dark: Dark always goes out and buys very expensive gifts such as jewellery, he even brought you your desired car as one of these gifts. Dark is a true gentleman and treats you like royalty. Dark loves spoiling his Queen.

Wilford: Wilford brings home strange gifts. He isn't the best at getting gifts. He got you a dog sticky tape holder once. You keep it on your desk for How thoughtful He was and to show your appreciation for the strange gift. He will also sometimes bring home things he has killed. Let's just say he gets yelled at and looks like a hurt puppy after being yelled at. (Wilford is basically a puppy)

Google: Google isn't one to give gifts but he will always bring home a flower when he goes out.

Host: Host loves to write about the beauty of the world so he writes poems about how beautiful you are and gifts them to you.

Anti: Anti surprisingly is great at giving gifts. He is sneaky and pays attention to what you want. The book you were going to buy, Anti buys it as a gift for you.

Schneeplestein: Henrik doesn't buy gifts but he showers you in love and affection instead because he thinks gifts mean nothing compared to real love.

Chase: Chase and you are basically 5 year olds stuck in an adult body both of you go to toy stores and he buys whatever catches your eye.

Since I have Been requested to do one, should I try do a smut? Let me know down below

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