Jameson Jackson Catchup!

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Jameson Jackson:

How you met:
You were sitting at your table at a restaurant. Your current lover had stood you up, once again. Just as you were about to leave, an adorable man in a blue vest approaches you, as he noticed that you were crying. After introductions were aside, (Jameson writing on a notepad) you told him what had happened. The moustached gentleman listened to what you said. with a frown on his face. As the time went on you and Jameson hit it off, as if you had both known each other for years. You texted your now ex that you and them were over. As you were both prepared to leave, Jameson held his arm out for you like a gentleman and escorted you home, to say you had gained a crush on the adorable male was an understatement. Jameson, satisfied that you were safe went to leave you, not before you slip your number to him.

What they call you:
Sweetie, Love, Deary

What you call them:
Jamie, Cutie, Mint. Jamie is a nickname that is the most common for Jameson. What can I say? Jameson is adorable. Mint is Jameson's favourite flavour tea and it was also the colour of his hair when you both met.

How they ask you out:
Jameson and you caught up after you both first met, each time you two would catch up he would give you a note written in cursive, the first letter of the first word on the page written larger and more detailed. In total he gave you 18 letters, when you were looking at them all you noticed that the first letter of each note spelt something out, 'Will you go out with me' You immediately texted Jameson wanting to meet up with him. He met you at your door and you pulled him into a hug with a cry of yes! You kiss Jameson cheek gently and he blushes adorably. He explained ow he felt about you and how he thought up making the letters, his joyous smile didn't leave his face that day.

Contact names in your phone:
Mr fancy pants 🎀👨🏻

Where they kiss you the most:
Jamie is fond of pecking you gently on your cheek. He is just a loveable cutie that adores you

What you and them do for Halloween:
Jamie and you are often found carving pumpkins for Halloween, Jamie has a love for carving adorable faces on his pumpkins while you carve (favourite tv show) inspired pumpkins

Jameson isn't too big on affection in public as he wasn't raised that way, however he often holds your hand or lets you hook your arm with his own, in a gentlemanly way of course

First Date destination:
Jameson took you out to a lovely national park and you and him spent the day collecting small trinkets such as small pebbles or leaves. After a little while if walking a picnic had been set up by Jameson earlier that day. A large soft blanket was laid across a grassy area that was near a waterfall. A beautifully woven picnic basket sat neatly on top of the blanket along with two pillows. Jameson had prepared a lunch and snacks for the two of you to share. After your date you and Jameson went swimming and paddled around in the water for a while before the two of you walked back to the car, a large smile was on your own and Jameson's face by the end of the day.

How they hug you:
Jameson will hug you anyway that you feel comfortable, whether that be where he lifts you up and hugs you like that or just hooking his arms around you and pulling you close to him. Jameson gives the best hugs, he knows when you are sad and you get extra special hugs.

How you sleep:
Jameson used to sleep in a chair or on the couch with his feet propped up and his hat low over his eyes. But now having met you he is often found curled up behind you with his arms hooked around you and his legs tangled with your own. He often talks in his sleep, but because he's mute, no one ever hears and they're rarely coherent enough to appear on his speech slides. On the rare occasion the slides pick up his words it is mostly talking about you or cheesecake.

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