How they react to you crying

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Dark takes you somewhere peaceful and away from other people and holds you until you calm down enough to tell him what made you upset in the first place. He will pamper you and treat you like a Queen after you have calmed down, giving you a nice massage and kissing you gently.

If you are having a particularly bad day, Wilford will go all out. I'm talking laying in bed while ordering take out, baking together and a guaranteed bubble bath with extra bubbles, smooches and cuddles. Wilford may start a tickle fight or pillow fight with you, depending on your mood, so be prepared.

Host gets these feelings whenever you are upset. He will make a nice warm tea that will help you relax and he will give it to you. He will give you a gentle back and shoulder massage as well. He makes sure to bring you tissues and nice comfort foods. He will wrap you up in his coat and hold you, gently kissing your head as he holds you in a secure embrace.

Google will immediately know when your mood swings from joy to sadness. When his sensors show that you are feeling down he heads off to find the softest, fuzziest and most comfortable blanket you own before he returns to you and wraps you in the blanket like a burrito. Once satisfied that you are safely wrapped up and are comfortable Google cuddles with you, often carrying you around with him.

Anti's first instinct is to find whatever made you sad and stab it with his knife, thankfully that does not happen very often, as a lot of the time you see a puppy and cry tears of joy. Anti goes full on protective mode and does anything to make his love happy again.

Henrik calls in sick from work for the both you and him and spends the day by cuddling you, watching movies with you and generally just wanting for you to forget about what made you upset in the first place.

Chase just wants to be there to love and support you, which he does, as he knows what it is like to be sad and alone. He brings you a lot of comfort foods and sweets. Chase will reserve extra cuddle time just for you where he will hold you close and kiss your head gently.

Jamie will take your phone away and lead you to your guys bathroom where he will run a nice warm bath for you with calming oils and salts mixed in. He will set up a diffuser with a scent that helps to instantly relax you. He will cuddle you and pamper you with gentle, relaxing massages throughout the day.

Apologises that they are short, I didn't have many ideas for them and I didn't want to keep repeating myself

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