Spells, glitches.... and babies?

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Baby AntixReader
Requested by @i_was_sent_here

Crying, it was all Anti had been doing all night long. Seàn had let me take care of him after Marvin had accidentally turned him into a baby, an adorable baby at that. I yawn tiredly as I got up out of bed and put my dressing gown as well as my slippers on. I then walk out of my bedroom, down the hall, and into the makeshift nursery. Yet as soon as I stepped in the crying slowly began to cease 'that's.. Odd?' I thought as I walked over to the cot and saw Anti laying there whimpering softly and making grabby hands towards me. Even as a baby he still glitched around a little. However it wasn't as much as when he is uh.. bigger Anti sized. I gave a look of concern as I picked up the young baby and cradled him in my arms

'Poor baby.. All you wanted was to be held..' I whispered softly as he gained his usual giggly and cheeky attitude in seconds of me holding him, I chuckled and kissed the top of his head before humming a small lullaby. 'Shh.. It'll be okay darling. I'm here now..' I whispered lightly as he cooed and reached his tiny hands up to my face before he grabs hold of my nose. I smiled and gently rubbed his back 'Everything will be back to normal soon Little Devil. Just as soon as Marvin finds a cure or a reversal spell.'

I apologise for it being so short. I wasn't exactly sure on what to write

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