Something he does you hate

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Dark: Dark is very flirty and always flirts with random girls. Even though you know he wouldn't cheat on you, it gets on your nerves he flirts with them all the time.

Wilford: Wilford always manages to get blood on his shirts, pants, suspenders, daggers and most of all in his hair and moustache. Wilford isn't a fan of being wet so he hates when you force him into the shower.

Google: Since Google is new to the human lifestyle, it does get annoying when you have to teach him what the coffeemaker is for the fifth time in 2 hours.

Host: Host always has a bad habit of narrating his surroundings. You don't mind him doing it but when he narrates something private it gets annoying.

Anti: Anti is always glitching around and annoying you. You may be sitting reading a book. Anti will glitch to you, poke you then glitch away giggling. He also has a bad habit of playing with that knife of his.

Schneeplestein: Henrik is always at work. He never takes time off and when he does get breaks they are small and only last a few hours. You are always trying to convince him to take the day off but he stubbornly refuses.

Chase: It's like looking after a five year old when dealing with Chase. He is always playing around and doing things that a five year old does, such as complain and whine like a baby.

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