How he reacts when a guy hits on you

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As requested by @KittyLilyHeart
Dark: Whenever a guy tries to hit on you Dark would growl and wrap his arms around you. The guy would soon disappear as Dark sends him to another dimension.

Wilford: Wilford holds his gun to the guys head until he goes away. Wilford might mock shoot the gun if the guy doesn't leave straight away. The guy soon leaves terrified and then you cuddle Wilford says that you would never ever leave him.

Google: Google always has his arms around your waist so no one has tried to hit on you just yet.

Host: Host calmly pulls the guy away from you and threatens him to stay away from his girl. The guy gets scared being face to face with Host who has the bloody bandage wrapped around his eyes.

Anti: Anti sneakily sends a glare in the direction the guy is from behind you and glitches holding his knife in a threatening way. He motions to you and does the cut throat gesture towards the guy, making sure he knows that he will regret it if he comes near you every again.

Dr Schneep: Henrik starts yelling in German about how if he doesn't leave you alone he would regret it. The guy gets super weirded out and leaves. Henrik wraps himself around you and kisses you softly.

Chase: Chase starts shooting the guy with nerf bullets and tells him to back off. If the guy doesn't listen Chase will most likely punch him and then leave the establishment with his arm wrapped around you.

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