Nightly occurences

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Dark: Dark has the habit of not sleeping for endless days and then just passing out anywhere, usually at his desk or on the couch while cuddling you

Wilford: Wilford is out like a light as soon as his head touches the pillow although he sleeps on top of the blanket and tends to wake up at 5am

Google: Google updates constantly and on a few occasions you have woken up to four Google's. Google Blue, Red,Yellow and Green

Host: Host has a tendency to fall asleep in his reading chair with one of his books that are written in Braille laying on his chest as he snores softly

Anti: Anti doesn't sleep which can provide difficult for you as he sees the bedroom as the place for love and not rest

Dr Schneeplestein: Since Henrik works late hours he doesn't get home till late but when he collapses exhausted in bed he is the biggest cuddler in the world

Chase: Chase is actually like a child when you are trying to get him to bed, he has a fit and whines about it before actually falling asleep curled up with you

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