Sick Egos

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Dark with a cold, even paler than his usual gray complexion. He's got a fever and a stuffy nose, and he is ready to murder whatever gets in his way. He still attends the meetings between the egos because there's no way he's going to let Wilford have the floor all on his own again. That's how Markiplier TV happened, after all. Every time he sneezes, his shell breaks and his gray aura floods the entire room with palpable anger and hatred. As a result, the meeting erupts into like six different fist fights, and Warfstache is on the table firing his gun at the other Egos' feet. The poor demon baby just needs a lot of love and affection and chicken and dumplings.

Imagine Wilford Flipping Warfstache looking about as drunk as a skunk off all the cold medicine he's chugged, staggering around trying to tickle people with his knife. Dark considers putting him in a straight-jacket, but even Google refuses to get anywhere near him in this state. Instead they lure him into the studio's recording booth with a trail of bubblegum and lock him inside. That is until you are able to be contacted to come and collect the sick baby. Wilford becomes very confused and wants to do things but also stay in bed whilst sick. Warning, be prepared to be cuddled to death by him.

Google, the lucky bastard can't get sick by normal illnesses so to speak since he is an Android. But he can get a virus or two or Anti has been known to try corrupt him, searching for information. When Google has a virus, it is quite easy to tell. He becomes very glitchy or laggy and his speech box basically dies or becomes static. His logo sparks out and flashes extremely slow. When Anti manages to get into Google's systems the droid goes absolutely bonkers, smashing plates and shredding laundry. Best thing to do is jump on his back and hit the restart switch, kicking Anti out of Google's software before he attempts to go on a murder spree. Google will usually power back up with no idea what happened.

Host often wanders around with tissues falling out of his pockets all over the place like Hansel and Gretel leaving a trail through the forest. His fevered brain makes him narrate the strangest of things. Best option is to slip sleeping pills into his drinks, usually tea, effectively knocking him for the rest of the day. Depending on what he manages to narrate during his time awake it can take between a few hours to a week to clean up the mess.

Anti, similar to Google doesn't get sick by normal things but by viruses. He becomes very glitchy, more so than usual and often glitches to places by accident. He once ended up on top of the fridge, under the bed and China within the span of a few seconds before returning back to his original place thanks to his glitches. The angry stabby baby often loses his voice and just wants cuddles and kisses. Basically he turns into a grumpy cat where he will only accept cuddles when he wants them, otherwise he will claw at you.

Henrik, well he is a stubborn man when he is sick. He insists that as a doctor he can't get sick. He has hot flushes and cold bursts all the time and his motor control skills are basically gone, as well as his balance. It is common for him to suffer nose bleeds when he is ill. Best way to coax him out of his office is with coffee, cookies and the promises of kisses and cuddles. If you manage to wrap him up in a blanket he will most likely pass out from exhaustion.

Chase, the soft boi, all wrapped up in bed, sniffling and coughing. He's surrounded by wadded up tissues and pillows. If you go looking for Chase when he is sick you will find him sleeping fitfully surrounded by blankets. Chase is often so out of it when sick it takes him a few moments to remember who you are or even where he is. His hat is often forgotten and on the other side of the room along with his nerf gun.

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