They lose you

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At the shops :D
I'm sorry but I had to make it dramatic 😅

Dark never admits it but whenever he loses you he internally freaks out. Having a battle on the inside of what he should do. When he does find you of course you can see the relief in his eyes that he didn't have to go around torturing people I mean asking people of your whereabouts in a not so friendly way.

It isn't uncommon for Wilford to wander off in the shops. He gets distracted very easily, especially if it's candy or something sweet he spots. Luckily, when you call his name he is quick to find you, hug you and apologise for running off.

Host and you don't get separated often but when you do he panics until he finds you again, where he hugs your arm tight.

Google doesn't freak that much when he loses you if he does. With him being so protective of you he has sneakily placed small tracking devices on your clothing that helps him detect where you are when you and him go out into big crowds. With his built in navigation system he is quick to find you and gently hook his arm with your own as to not lose you again.

Anti freaks the heck out when he realises you are not with him anymore. On more occasions than one he climbs the shelves in order to find you easier. He jumps across the shelves until he drops down in front of you and hugs you tight.

You and Henrik never get separated. The most you have gotten separated was if you or him walk further down the aisle than the other. You always stay within sight of each other.

Chase, more often than not once he realises you and him got separated will run up each and every aisle till he finds you. He will then tackle you in a massive hug and apologise for anything he has done that might make you want to leave him.

Jameson if he can't find you will send you a text or call you so you can tell him which aisle you went into. But on the rare occasion where you don't answer or don't have your phone Jameson goes to the front counter and writes a note explaining he can't speak and if the employee could make an announcement over the loud speaker.

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