They find out you are deaf/mute

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After finding out you were deaf, Dark always kept a notepad and pen in his pocket just so it made communicating easier. It was a little strange at first but the both of you got used to communicating. The thing that made him the most upset is that he was unable to fix you

Wilford didn't seem to care that you were mute, if anything he thought you were more adorable. Wilford was content to just babble on about how his day would be, not minding that you couldn't talk back. However, since he can get quite loud he would try to make sure not to get too loud so you wouldn't have to worry about getting him to quieten down if he was hurting your ears. He would often make jokes about you wearing a bell since you would often sneak up on him and scare the living daylights out of him. The best way to communicate with Wilford was through pictures or drawings, for example if he was too loud, a drawing of an arrow pointed down gave him the hint to turn it down, which he would.

Host knew that you were mute, even before he met you. Despite you not being able to speak, Host found it easy to communicate with you. Host would make sure that you would get anything that you needed. He makes sure that others can communicate with you as well. Despite his 'powers' he hates that he isn't able to help you get your speech back.

When Google found out you were deaf, he was determined to fix that by making a hearing device for you. He changed his primary objective for a while in order to help you, (even if that caused him to glitch out more often.)When you found out, it warmed your heart that he would do that for you. He worked day and night to make the gadget that would get you to hear. It took a long while, with a few mistakes and prototypes along the way but he had done it, he had made the device that would give you your hearing back. When you were able to hear Google for the first time, let's just say tears of joy were shed along with many happy kisses.

Anti at first didn't understand that you couldn't hear him and he would talk to you, gaining a look of confusion from you since you didn't know what he was saying. Lip reading was fairly impossible with Anti since he spoke fast and his glitches made it look like he was saying more than he actually was. Anti after learning more about deafness, set out to learn sign language in order to talk to you better, well he tried. He got the basics down but would get frustrated after many failures on anymore than that and he resulted to sticky notes and note pads after that.

When Henrik found out you were mute, he learned every possible way to talk to you, aiding you in how to talk to him. He would bring you home gifts often which bring joy and happiness to you, which in turn made Henrik happy. He spoiled you, never stopping, never disagreeing and never ever letting you become sad.

Chase was actually pretty good at sign language thanks to the help of Jameson, so communication wasn't an issue with you being mute and all. Chase became very protective over you, one could say over protective at times. He was an excellent translator and helped you communicate with other people when needed. The only thing that bummed Chase out, was that he wouldn't be able to hear your voice.

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