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I drew a confused looking Darky :3 Still don't know how to draw facial hair hehe 😅 also yes I do know that Mark can't drink, in my opinion it doesn't pass onto his egos, they just may be prone to getting drunker more quicker than considered normal. Also this chapter is like a birthday gift from me to you all :D Enjoy!

Now when it comes to hangovers he mostly suffers a horrid headache, depending on much he drank depends on the severity of the headache and how long it lasts. Usually it will last a few hours and he blames himself for it for drinking too much. He may become a bit more grouchy than normal if the others are too loud for his liking and may snap more often.

He sometimes wakes up still drunk the next morning when the hangover kicks in and he feels like absolute shit for the whole day. If he isn't resting in bed he can be found hugging the toilet and throwing up into said toilet. He suffers from really bad headaches and has no clue what happened the previous night. He says that it feels like he has been hit by a truck. Make sure to keep anything sweet away from him so it doesn't upset his stomach anymore than it should be.

Google is a lucky bastard that doesn't suffer hangovers since he can't drink alcohol. However when his battery is low, he can get a bit loopy and his words fizzle out to static or are lengthened out.

Once the hangover kicks in, he simply gives up on narrating his surroundings until he feels better. If he was to narrate in this state his visions would be extremely blurry and cause him great pain, which therefore would make blood run from his eyes even more than normal.

Anti with a hangover is the equivalent of a grumpy child. He usually wakes up with a headache but a few pain pills and hot chocolate fix him up. Anti becomes more cranky than normal when he has a hangover. Nothing that cuddles won't help soothe though. Be prepared for snuggles.

If he does end up getting a hangover he takes a few pain killers and drains a large glass of water before going about his day like normal. Almost as if pretending nothing happened that previous night. When asked about it, he claims he doesn't remember anything but in reality he is just embarrassed for letting himself go and becoming more hands on with you.

When he is hungover, he has a really bad headache and is prone to throwing up if he drank too much. He has a tendency to drink ungodly amounts of water as he feels dehydrated. Chase will often wander over to you and hug you from behind, burying his face into your back or shoulder until you spin around. Then he will bury his face into your neck and murmur his apologises for being a horrible person for getting drunk.

Don't be afraid to make suggests or request a chapter :3

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