How they react to spiders

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When Dark hears your shriek he comes running to you, only calming once he saw you were safe, curled up on the kitchen table away from the spider in the kitchen. When Dark sees the spider he watches it, almost as if he is trying to death glare it before he scoops you up and carries you out of the room. 'We must burn the house down.' Is all he says as he carries you out of the house. To say he is a little over dramatic is an understatement.

You get a lovely surprise when you heard gunshots, something that you were used to by this point when it came to Wilford however this time it was Wilford's words that got your attention. 'Bugger off you little bastard!' Wilford yelled out, causing you to get up from your seat and wander into the room he was. Cue to you seeing the spider and yelling at Wilford to shoot it, all the while jumping onto his back to get away from it.

Host narrates any spiders away because he isn't fond of their webs and walking into them and he doesn't want you to get frightened.

Anytime Anti sees a spider he pounces on it like a cat would a toy and he plays around with it for a while before he eventually stabs it with his knife or squishes it. Although you think he's weird you just shrug and go on with what you were doing since he technically got rid of the spider and however you wouldn't admit it, it was entertaining to watch a lazy and sleepy Anti suddenly jump up and pounce across the room.

Henrik is the designated spider remover or killer in the house as you are deathly afraid of the little creepy crawly death dealers (Sanders Side ref Anyone?) Most of the time he just picks the spider up and takes it outside but there are times he will just squish it with a shoe if it's big.

Chase comes running into the kitchen and arms himself with multiple cans of fly and spider spray before he turns his cap backwards in a declaration of war. 'The spider bros made a mistake messing with me!' Chase would say in a monotone voice before he would scurry away. After his battle with the spiders, you and him would need to open up all the windows and doors just to air the place out of the chemicals.

When you tell him of a spider, Jameson just gets a piece of paper or cardboard and a cup and he traps the spider under the glass before he gently and ever so carefully carries the spider outside before setting it free.

Google's part will be in a different chapter of its own as it is very long... I may have gotten carried away

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