Christmas special

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Picture Credit to Starridge
Dark: You and Dark have a snowball fight. Dark always lets you win and he always kisses you afterwards.

Wilford: Wilford begs you to make a gingerbread house with him, you agree after hours of him begging you. Whilst you are setting the pieces together,Wilford is most likely caught sneaking the candies into his mouth.

Google: Google plays Christmas songs all day and he dances with you occasionally. You have caught him many times singing the songs.

Host: Host spends the day cuddling with you and giving you lots of small gifts and presents. He makes hot chocolate with marshmallows and whipped cream. The both of you make Christmas cookies, many shaped like trees, reindeer and gifts.

Anti: Anti is caught many times trying to set up mistletoe. He smiles sheepishly each time you catch him. Anti was sitting on the couch reading a book when you hold mistletoe above his head and kiss him.

Schneeplestein: You and Henrik go around the neighbourhood and sing Christmas songs to everyone. He has a surprisingly amazing singing voice.

Chase: Chase dresses up like Santa and goes to the children's hospital and gives gifts to the children. You dress up as an elf and help him.

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