When you are on your period

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As requested by @Deceitsnumber1fan Thank you for the suggestion it was a fun one to make, especially Anti's :3

At first when you complain about the cramps and start whining about random stuff, he tells you to suck it up and deal with it, as he doesn't understand that is causes you great pain. After a few hours of processing what was happening and realising that you were in pain, he will do literally anything to help. He would get you whatever you wanted, whenever you wanted. And when you didn't need anything, he would cuddle you in the couch and watch Disney movies with you. Dark often makes comments such as, that he is lucky to be a guy, which results in you throwing a book at his head,

Wilford does his best to help you out when you are on that time of the month. He tries to make you at least somewhat comfortable, knowing that it hurts you. His idea of helping though involves cuddles, ice cream, heat pads, blankets and movies. Which does help put a smile on your face. The big goofball just can't stand to see you in pain so he will treat you like a literal goddess.

When you are on your period, Host does his absolute best to get anything you needed or wanted. Like sweets, drinks and even cuddles. Host would back off though when you had a random spurt of anger. Since his situation with his eyes, he knows how it feels to loose unnecessary amounts of blood. When your on your period, Host has an extreme soft spot for you. At times literally dropping everything he was doing to go to you when you call him.

Google, being Google knew the best options and what he had to do. He brings you a heating blanket and suggests some exercises to help with the pain and cramps. As well as healthy snacks. Lots and lots of snacks. Overall he just wants you to not be in anymore pain than you should be in. He gives you many back massages as well.

This is the one of the rare times where Anti is actually terrified of you. After a first time encounter with you when your were grouchy with cramps, he now avoids you at all costs, When he finds out you are on your period he actually goes into hiding for a few hours, mostly going to steal chocolate from the other septics. Anti thought you were more scarier than Satan himself when you were on your period. He stays as far away as possible from you. His tactic is to throw chocolates at you, yelling at you to stay back. His thoughts 'if I have chocolate. I can keep her away.'

As a doctor, Henrik had a pretty good prior knowledge of how to cope with the tummy demons. He makes you take lots of naps, with cuddles included. Usually when you wake he will have set up some medication that will dull the pain, coffee, water, dark chocolate and a heating pad on the bedside table waiting for you. You better believe he makes chocolate chip cookies for you. Which is a rarity as he doesn't cook/bake often.

Chase at first would be confused as to why you weren't talking to him then suddenly shouting about how he doesn't love you anymore. Which isn't true! It's then that he finally realises. You are on your period. He heads out to get anything you need such as,pads, tampons, snacks. The one good thing he got out of his last relationship, how to comfort a girl on her period.

I'm thinking of adding another character into the mix. I will make a catch-up for all the chapters with the character but it might take some time to get it published. Hint. It will be a septic :3

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