What they call you

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Dark: Flower,my queen, because you are his and he thinks you are beautiful like a flower.

Wilford: Darling, my dear. being the classy gentleman he is of course he calls you something cute yet charming.

Google: He doesn't understand the meaning of calling people nicknames, so he just calls you Y/n.

Host:Beautiful, he knows you doubt yourself about being beautiful so he lets you know you are all day, everyday.

Anti:Kitten,doll. He says you are cute like a kitten and says doll is the perfect description of you. You are like his fragile porcelain doll.

Dr Schneeplestein:Liebe it means love in German. Need I say anymore?

Chase:Baby, sexy. A simple yet cute name and also one that makes sure others know you are his.

Hey guys, if you want leave some suggestions down below and I'll try to make them to the best of my ability. Enjoy the cuteness of the bond you have between the egos.

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