Drunk Egos

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Since it's like the only video where we see an ego with alcohol, I present to you my attempt at drawing Wilford Motherloving Warfstache. It's not my best as I'm not good with drawing people. Also I apologise for being absent for a while I have been getting some well deserved rest and relaxation and taking time to actually properly care for myself. I will make an attempt to upload at least once or twice a month from now on :)

Dark is a very calm drunk at first, the most noticeable change is his echo is more noticeable. But after a few drinks he can become very affectionate. He is usually the one to make sure others are doing fine even when he isn't doing well himself. If flirted with he will become a blushing mess and he usually hides his face in his hands.

He's a very chatty and flirty drunk. You are often at the receiving end of the flirting. One time when he asked you if you were single and you said no, he got so upset and tears ran down his cheeks for the whole night if he glanced over to you. His memory is so out of whack when he drinks that he often forgets where he is or who he is with. He also relies heavily on pretty much any stable surface to keep himself standing up until he passes out.

The lucky bastard can't get drunk as he is a robot.

When drunk, Host is very friendly and it's one of the rare times he speaks in first person instead of narrating everything in his surroundings. He is known to swear much more when he is drunk and he becomes much more sarcastic and is prone to making more jokes.

Anti gets really giggly and giddy when he drinks, no matter how much he drinks. He becomes very clingy and is often clinging to you like a koala. He isn't the best with drinks and is a massive light weight he is often out like a light after about 3 or 4 drinks. It may have something to do with his glitchy nature and combining liquids with him. Whatever the reason he will always be a light weight when drinking.

Henrik is what most consider a boring drunk, he tends to stick with one drink for the night, even then he does his best to not drink too much. Henrik becomes more cuddly when he drinks and much more affectionate, small kisses on the cheek and neck. Nuzzling his head under your chin. His hands often rest on your hips and make small circles there. The more he drinks the more his natural language shows itself. There have been times he was so drunk he wasn't even speaking English, just full on German.

Depending on his reason for drinking, Chase can become a very emotional drunk. In which case he babbles on about how much he loves and misses his kids, often going around showing pictures he has on his phone of them. His eldest, his daughter Samantha and his youngest Grayson, his son. He often cradles his phone close to his chest and cries. In other cases where he is a happy drunk, he is very giggly and has a tendency to initiate a drunken game of charades with whoever is willing.

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