How he reacts after you have been gone a while

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Dark would never admit it but he misses having you around, he would find himself going to call your name then he would frown as he remembered you aren't there. When you get back he will give you a small kiss on the cheek because the big bad 3D boy refuses to say he missed you. Skip a few hours and he will be laying on you as you run your fingers through his hair, you smirk knowing that he missed you, even if he won't admit it.

Wilford is a distressed ball of insanity whenever away from you for long periods of time. Unfortunately you had to make a trip and he couldn't come along. Whilst you were gone he would become an excited ball of fun for the first few hours but then he realises that he wants- no needs you. He thrives off of attention and when you are gone his time in the spotlight diminishes. He will curl up hugging one of your favourite plushies close to his chest, he stays awake for long periods of time because he doesn't want to miss when you walk in the front door. When you returned home you returned to an extremely sleep deprived Wilford tackling you, mumbling about how much he missed you and he doesn't want you to leave again.

Host doesn't mind when you have to leave him. He understands the reasons for why you have to leave, whether it be for work or for family reasons. Host becomes extremely cuddly when you return however. (Give the boy some love 💕)

Google is one to never leave your side. He is like your best friend, companion, boyfriend and bodyguard all in one. However you weren't the one to leave in this case. He had to go to the Google company for an important update that would remove all virus' and bugs that may have been in his software. Whilst he was away for the 2 days of updates you would realise just how much happiness the Android brought into your life. When you pick Google up, you latch onto him like a koala and give him many kisses on his forehead, cheek and of course lips. Google would be confused by the attention but is happy to receive it.

Anti is the absolute worst when you have to leave him. He becomes all cranky and growls at everyone and everything. He becomes moody and can be found pacing by the front door, waiting for you to return. If not pacing he can be found throwing knives at the wall, leaving many indentations and scratches. When you return he was sitting on the kitchen counter, as soon as he hears the keys jangle, he is zooming off of his perch and bolting to the front door. He jumps on you and holds onto you tightly, burying his head against the side of your neck, purring loudly out of pure joy of you being home.

For the first few days you were away, Henrik would go about his normal daily routine. Wake up, make coffee, shower etc. However once he realises how quiet it is without you he becomes all pouty and murmurs how he misses you. He sends you cute messages each morning and night after waking up or before going to bed. When you come home Henrik embraces you a hug and lifts you up to kiss you. 'Liebe. I missed you so much.' He always says whenever you have to go away.

More times than not, Chase is either messaging you, on the phone with you or FaceTiming you because he misses you. 'My arms feel empty because I don't have you in them.' Chase whines about how much he misses you and you have to assure him you'll be home soon. At times Chase gets scared that you'll leave and never come back just like what Stacey did to him, all those years ago, including taking the kids away. His daughter and son, Samantha and Greyson. When you come home be prepared to be attacked by nerf bullets and an extremely excited Chase.

Jameson is one to send a cute and loving message to you daily. When you go away, those messages become twice as long and he often rambles on about how much of an Angel you are. Whilst away both you and Jamie send photos of yourself to the other, you can't help but giggle that majority of the photos Jamie sends, he is holding a teacup. Each and every photo you send Jamie saves and makes a video compilation for you both to watch when you come home. You and him end up snuggled together as you watch the sweet and adorable films Jamie creates.

This has made me feel so soft. I love my Septic/Iplier boys

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