Pets you get

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Lady, the Norwegian forest cat:
When you first brought up getting a pet Dark argued that you could play with Diva at any time you want. (Diva adored you so much) Unfortunately you weren't satisfied with that, not saying that Diva isn't enough, she is a big girl after all. (Not like she is big like fat, big as in she is the size of a house kinda big) You wanted to get a pet that both you and Dark would share. A pet that you got together as a couple. After an argument gone wrong you stormed out of the house in a fit of anger and walked the streets. However a small cry stopped you in your tracks when you were passing by an alley. Upon exploring further you found a tiny kitten curled up in a box, crying out for their mama. You pick up the little kitten and hold them to your chest to stay warm before you leave the alleyway. And that was how you returned home, carrying the small kitten. Dark at first was angry you brought the kitten home, but now it's been a few months after you rescued the kitten who turned out to be a female, you two adopted her and named her Lady. Although he says he can't stand her, you often find Dark laying down or sitting somewhere with Lady curled up on his chest or lap as he pets her gently. The big mean Darkiplier secretly loves her.

Wilford:Sultana, the German shepherd pup:It was your idea to get a puppy

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Sultana, the German shepherd pup:
It was your idea to get a puppy. With you being gone for work a lot and Wilford with his endless amount of energy, you thought that getting a puppy would help burn off all that extra energy he had. You both decided to adopt a pup from the pound or a shelter, which is where you guys found Sultana. Wilford fell in love with her the moment he set eyes on her. The little ball of fur bound over to Wilford and curled up in his lap when he sat down. Sultana is a spoilt little girl and is showered in love and affection by both you and Wilford. Be warned, keep an eye on Wilford when he has chocolate. He will try give it to her. (The big goof doesn't understand doggos can't eat chocolate)

Host:Bailey, the Labrador:You knew Host had struggles with getting around at times

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Bailey, the Labrador:
You knew Host had struggles with getting around at times. Being without vision isn't that fun for anyone especially for Host when he constantly bumps into things and has multiple bruises from knocking into doors and other objects. The topic of getting a guide dog has been one both you and him have discussed for a while. Today was the day you both decided to go get one. With a little help from a lot of makeup, fresh and thick bandages and a dark pair of sunglasses you two set off to pick up the dog you found. You had got in contact with a guide dog company and had explained that your boyfriend was completely blind and you wanted to get a dog you both could trust. That was how you both got to meet Bailey, the Labrador. You both fell in love with Bailey and how gentle he was with Host and yourself. Host especially fell in love with his new companion, however you would always be the one he treasured more.

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