Chapter 26

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I got myself together and did what I could to cover up the bruises on my skin, Harry didn’t wanna see the marks he left. Heaven knows why, maybe he just didn’t wanna be reminded of his idiocy. I frowned at the thought, I couldn’t bring myself to think about this in a positive way. No matter how hard I tried. It was the only thing that could help me to stay sane. If I wasn’t going to remain positive I’d end up in a state of depression that I wouldn’t be able to escape from. Dressed and Cleaned, I made my way to his room and tidied up before going back downstairs to await their return. Even though I hated this place and the people in it. I was always worried when they went out. I didn’t want anyone coming home with anything broken or bleeding, it gave me a horribly terrifying feeling.

As I sat down on the cold couch I held onto my arms, the weather was chilly and I couldn’t help but compare it to how I felt about this place. “I’ve got some sweets and some questionable ‘water' in this bottle.. If you’d like.” Abigail mumbled as she walked in chewing on some gummy sweets. I furrowed my eyebrows in curiosity. “Where'd you get that?”

“I keep a stash in case. We don’t always get fed around here.” She shrugged as she threw the packet at me and I failed to catch it, earning a chuckle from her. “Thanks.” I spoke softly with a small smile, taking a few sweets and tossing it into my mouth. “Here ya go.” She motioned towards the bottle as I contemplated whether or not to take it. “This won’t get me drunk right?” I questioned raising a brow. “You ever had Alcohol more than once?”

“Yeah.” I chuckled at the question. “Then you definitely Won’t get drunk off a couple sips of that. Just don’t drink the whole thing.” She answered taking the last bit of sweets as I drank a bit of, what I can only assume, was whiskey. The burning sensation on the back of my throat was somewhat calming to me. It was comforting. “Let’s get rid of this. They’ll be home soon.” Abigail said quietly taking the empty packet of sweets and taking the bottle going up to hers and Niall’s room, coming back out. Well there’s something new, she keeps her own stock for times like this. “You’re thinking hard there…I take it you’ll keep my little secret between us?”

“Of course…don’t they smell the alcohol on you?” I asked laying down on the couch. “Yeah, but why would they care. I can handle myself.”

I didn’t know how to answer that, so I just kept quiet and hoped that was an answer enough. Within the hour, there was a loud knock on the door and I nearly fell off of the couch. I got up and opened the door to exactly what I dreaded seeing. Harry and the rest of the boys bloodied and battered…only it wasn’t just their blood. “Wh-What the heck is this?” I mumbled with tears in my eyes as I watched them carry in what looked like a massacred lamb. “Shut up and move or help us.” Harry grunted getting the animal inside as I frowned and stepped back. “Did you go hunting?” I questioned hoping it wasn’t the answer but at the same time too scared to find out what the Real one would be. “No. We stole it from the slaughter house in town.” Louis muttered as he helped heave the dead animal outside. “You carried this thing all the way here?”

“Let’s just say it was alive until we got it into the car.” Liam shrugged and washed off his hands. I didn’t know whether to Laugh or cry at the story but it seemed to be one hell of a ride. My mind came to a very sudden realization, they killed this thing to eat it. I didn’t know if I’d be able to handle that. Ting eat is great but seeing the animal you’re eating is just plain cruel. “You…You’re going to eat that?” I asked as Liam looked at me like I was a complete idiot for asking that question. “Sorry, yeah I know… it just seems really…”

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