First Meet

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I first met her in an event where she was the organizer of the event .
I was invited for the event but unusually I reached there early.
The decoration was at its last stage.
She was very busy doing everything .suddenly my phone rang I was busy in call I didn't notice that she was coming from the opposite side we clashed .
She was having a something in her hand and it got broke.
She was really angry she started to scold me and I become angry and thrower some money to her and

said: jis cheeze ki mein paise desakthavu usei mein thoddethavu.
And he do his famous hair flick and went.

But she was shocked .I thought she will not come before me anymore
But i was wrong she came to me after the event she had a bat in her hand she took it and broke my screen of my car. I was shocked and angry and I was going to say something but instead she told me the same dialog in full attitude"jis cheeze ki pause me desakthiyu may be use toddethiyum.
End of his pov

By this time I reached in front of her house. I came here to pick her up.
In the house a girl was getting ready sitting in front of the mirror she was really looking beautiful. She was wearing a beautiful dress gifted by him she was really excited as for it was a surprise she had no idea about what is going to happen.

Suddenly door bell ring and she came to open the door and she found him standing and smiling. He came inside.
He hugged her told in his husky voice Anika are u ready for the surprise.

She just hummed as she was not in a state to respond due to their closeness.
They started their journey for the surprise

Precap:  I love u

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