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Next day
Shivika 's room
The sun rays entered their room disturbing the beautiful sleep of the beautiful couple. Shivaay slowly opened his eyes and saw Annika sleeping beside him resting her head on his chest . he slowly caressed her face but that touch made her open her eyes .
S : good morning
A : good morning
S : u r okay
A : yes
S : ani ..
A : mmm
S : u r happy right
A : kaisa saval hein shivaay I am the most happiest person .
S : sach
A : ha sach
S : tho ek kam karo give me a beautiful kiss
A : tho iskeliye is drama good
S : come on ani
Annika leaned towards shivaay and captured his lips and started to suck his upper lips and he slowly slides his hands inside the duvet and started to make pattern on her navel . she was going out of breath but he was not allowing her to break the kiss . at last when it came difficult for her she pushed shivaay and broke the kiss. She was catching her breath and asked shivaay
A : what was that shivaay
S : sorry sorry he hugged her and she rested her head .
Annika was staring shivaay .
S : what is it ani
A : kuch nahi
S : then why u r looking at me like that .
A : nothing just want to see u like this .
S : tho ham har din aise soyenge .
A : cheapede
S : hahah come on ani u only said u want to see me like this then
A: apka kuch nahi hoga  chalo let's get up .
S : why ani I don't want to ham aise rehthe .
A : come on shivaay its my first day as wife here so I have to go .
S : please ani
A : come on shivaay
S : fine thum javo fresh hojavo
A : okay
But she was moving she saw him sad so she turned to him a give a cute little peck on his cheek
Shivaay smiled at her . she went to freshen up .

After some time both came out of their room . They went to hall and saw dadi sitting their and also pinky also their .
S : ani u remember what I told u right.
A : ha yadh hein
Before coming out from room
S: ani I want to talk to u
A : kya hua
S : listen to me carefully u will only do the things told by badi maa or dadi . u will not listen to anything that Mrs Oberoi says understood.
A : vo apke maa hein
S : just listen what I say controlling his anger
A : okay fine
S : ani its just
A : I understand shivaay I will be careful .
S: okay
They went to hall and took blessing of dadi . Dadi said to Annika that today is her first rasoi rasam , so asked her to go to kitchen . she said okay and went to kitchen .
She was thinking what to prepare suddenly she thought to prepare everyone favourite . (I don't no any food u can assume).

All were gathered for eating breakfast and eager as it was first time Annika was cooking for them . Rudra was more eager and it was his cheat day so he was more happy .
Annika came with food to the table and started to serve everyone and was waiting for their comments ( how we wait for comments for our update after publishing). Rudra was the first one to say the comment .
R : bhabhi it was awesome I really liked it .
A : thank u Rudy
D : ha puttar Achu she banaya hein
A : thank u dadi .
All appreciated her but shivaay did not say anything . so dadi asked shivaay
D : billu tune kuch nahi bola why
S : dadi mein kya bolu u all said right waise bhi I know her cooking I have eaten before also .
D : oh okay
R : tho bhaiya aap bhabhi me ghar gayi he in
S : ha gayi he in
R : oh...
S : is me kya we were in relationship so we used to have food .
R : okay
They all enjoyed the breakfast and after that dadi told that evening they will have reception function . And asked everyone to get ready and do the preparation.

All were busy with preparation and Annika was also helping them but shivaay was busy with his phone .
He was seriously discussing some thing and Annika was watching him . he has started the phone conversation before the marriage itself . she was worried as what was it but she didn't try to ask to him as she know he will not say anything.

The Oberoi mansion was decorated beautiful for the reception .
Media was also their and was waiting for the arrival of the couple.
Suddenly the camera started to flash lights and all gazes were shifted to the stairs and their they saw shivaay and Annika coming down holding each others hand and with a beautiful smile .
They came down and shivaay moved towards to the media
S : Thank u everyone for coming attending hamari kushi mein .
Now I like to introduce to you my life my happiness my strength and my soul Mrs Annika Shivaay Sing Oberoi.
Annika was looking at  shivaay with tearful eyes .she was happy to be called as Mrs Shivaay .

The media has been dispersed and now only guests and family members are their .
Suddenly their came a voice
P : Mr Shivaay Sing Oberoi

Precap : reception continue

Hey guys I am sorry I know I was late as because of college works . sorry for that .
Who will be the person who came ?
Guess please ................

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